Chapter Eleven

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"You're getting better, my natblida." Vince praised me after I managed to get him to the ground. "But you must learn how to fight with many weapons and not just your fists. One day you will fight an opponent with a sword. Who do you think has the advantage?" he asked me. "The person with the sword." I answered, earning a nod from Vince. He threw his sword to the ground. "Learn how to fight with this and soon you will be ready for the commander." he told me. I leaned down to pick up the sword and smiled. Vince motioned for me to sit beside him on the rock.

"What if your people don't accept me? I'm from skaikru, your enemy.'' I said, starting to feel anxiety creep into my thoughts. "Do you think this way because your people never accepted you?" he asked, which made me think. He took my silence as a note to continue. "You grew up being called a freak because of your blood. Your parents gave you up. But I told you my people worship your blood. So now you seek a new thing to be afraid of. Bailey, if I thought that my people wouldn't accept you, would I train you? No! I would have never come back." he explained to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck feeling tears brim my eyes.

"Thank you!" I breathed. He chuckled and accepted my hug. "Always!" he whispered. Suddenly a dark cloud appeared at camp, causing me to pull away and stand. "I need to go back to camp. Here." I said, giving back his sword and running off.

I ran back into camp to see the meat hut on fire and Octavia coughing as she ran out of it. I ran over to her as she collapsed in my arms. "Are you ok?" Bellamy asked as he ran towards us. Octavia tried to reply but couldn't so only nodded. I pushed some hair behind her ear and held her close as she held onto Bellamy's hand.

I noticed Murphy running towards Del and punching him while screaming. Bellamy looked at the two of us before going over to stop the commotion. "Get away from me!" del screamed as he fought back. "Hey! Stop, save it for the grounders!" Bellamy yelled as he pushed them both away. "Bellamy, that was all our food! What the hell do we do now?" Octavia asked in a raspy tone, catching the attention of her brother.

He ran a hand through his hair while instructing Clarke to follow him. After about five minutes he and Clarke explained we were going to go hunting. "Each group takes someone with a gun, and they're for killing Grounders, not food. We don't have the ammo. Use the spears for hunting. Get what you can. Be back by nightfall. No one stays out after dark." Bellamy instructed everyone while I stayed beside the ladder with Raven.

I followed her eyes over to Finn and clarke. "You're staring." i mentioned. Raven looked over at me and sighed. "My love for him isn't just going to go away. He's my family B." she explained to me. I grabbed onto her hand and forced her to look at me. "But you're my sister raven. We might not be related, but you're the only person that I truly feel I can call that. And i dont want finn to be the reason you do stupid shit. Yes he helped you when your mom couldn't, but he also wronged you." I told her. "Just promise me you'll at least try to get your mind off him for today." I begged. She nodded her head and gave me a hug. As we pulled away my eyes met Bellamy who just gave a small nod before leaving the dropship.

After Raven walked away I set off to find Bellamy only to see him walk into Raven's tent. I was careful as I listened to their conversation. "We need more ammo." Bellamy told her. I heard raven groan as she rummaged around. "That's it till Jasper gets back. Now get out of my tent." she said in a harsh tone. I heard more rummaging. "Where are you going?" Bellamy asked, which sparked my curiosity. "The hell out of here!" Raven growled. I felt my body freeze. Did she want to leave that bad? "What about b?" Bellamy asked. "Or finn?" he added. "Finn will be fine. And b is strong. She doesn't need me." raven snapped. "Where are you going to go?" he asked her. "Into the damn woods. Dont worry ill find someplace safe." she said, hoping he would allow it. I turned away, feeling my emotions take over my body.

I ran away and into my tent. My breathing was hitched and it felt as if I would pass out from the overflow of emotions. I couldn't help raven. Why couldn't I persuade Raven? I tried to be the person she needed, but I wasn't enough!

I tangled my hands in my hair as my body collapsed onto the ground. I wanted to scream but it felt as if all that could leave my lips were sobs.

My family didn't want me. The council knew no one would want me. Washington was right. As long as I keep to myself no one can judge me. No one can see my secrets or know how to hurt me. I must no longer allow people into my life. Including raven or vince. They can talk to me but not know me. I must not show weakness. 

another filler chapter to get this story going.  I hope my few readers have been enjoying this story as much as I have. love all of you!

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