Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Jackson and Henry soon joined us in the mines. Me and Henry walked around holding hands. I felt better about our relationship now that my parents were out of it and we had talked. I felt his thumb rub across my hand. I looked up at him and smiled, nudging my shoulder against his. His green eyes brightened, even in the foul light of our torches.

Indra and Octavia talked at the front of our group. "I can't wait for this to be over, we'll be able to actually be a couple. '' he smiled at me. I laughed quietly. I was ready too but a part of me wished me and henry were never a thing. I didn't know why but I just did.

Suddenly reapers started running towards us. Henry and the other guard started shooting at them, while Jackson fumbled with the tone generator. "Stop shooting!" I yelled. "Reapers are not the enemy!" Indra screamed.

Jackson got the tone generator working and cut off Octavia's sentence. "Tranquilize them, go for the jugular!" Jackson said. We all worked fast as Jackson continued the tone generator. "Secure their hands and feet!" Octavia yelled. I did as everyone said and finished just as the generator went out. "Well done, they'll be out for a while." Jackson announced proudly.

I gave Henry a quick peck. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." he said, obviously feeling horrible. "Hey, you know now." I said, running a hand into his hair. "Let's go, we have to find that door!" Indra yelled at us. I traced my arm down and took his hand in mine, leading him behind Indra. We wandered aimlessly through the tunnels, Octavia holding the map.

Henry was growing more nervous so I stopped him. "You have nothing to worry about. We are going to win, take our friends home then live together, just like you want.'' I told him, placing my forehead on his. "Promise?" he asked me. I kissed him hard, to prove I meant it but it just didn't feel right. Henry's hands went to my lower back. I pulled away quickly before it could intensify.

"We found it!" I heard Octavia yell from farther down. I grabbed Henry's hand yet again and reconnected with the group.

"Thank you." I heard Octavia reply to something Indra had said. "You've done well, Octavia of the tree people." Indra said to her. I smiled at Octavia's new title. "What does that mean?" Octavia asked. Indra chuckled. "What do you think it means?". "I think I want to hear you say it." Octavia breathed. I stepped forward and stood beside Indra. Indra's arm went around my shoulders. "You're one of us now." Indra smiled proudly.

I sat with Octavia and Indra when the horn sounded. I sprung to my feet. "We're retreating." Indra said, walking a little down the tunnel. "That can't be right.'' I said. "We have to go. Now!" Indra yelled and started walking. "Indra, wait their still in there!" Octavia said. Indra stopped and turned to face the two of us. "And our commander is out there, under attack for all we know." Indra said. I took a step towards her, feeling my heart rip into two, unsure of what to do.

"I don't trust her, not after tondc. And neither should you." Octavia said. I looked down at my boots. "I gave you a direct order." Indra said, her voice showing that she wasn't playing games. "Please. This was the plan. If we're not here with the tone generators when they come out, Reapers will kill-" Indra cut off octavia. "Plans change." she said. "Ovtavia lets go!" a grounder announced. "I'm not going anywhere without my brother!" she said, standing her ground.

My head shot towards her at the mention of Bellamy. I took a stand beside Octavia. "You guys go! We will stay." I said. Indra got in Octavia's face. "You are no longer my second." she spat then went to me. I kept a straight face and didnt let her know how fucking scared I was of her.

"The commander will know how you betrayed her and my command." Indra spoke to me in trig, so no one could understand us, besides the grounders. "The commander should've known I would not retreat." I replied back. "I expected more from you." she growled then turned, leaving Jackson and henry. "Please come home with us." Jackson begged us. "I have no home!" Octavia said. Jackson walked up to her while Henry walked up to me. "Stay safe." he said, giving me a long kiss. Him and Jackson following after Octavia had the tone generators.

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