Round 27

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I know I put this fic on hiatus but I suddenly got hit with a huge wave of inspiration so here's a new chapter for you all!

After storming out, Tsubaki spots Kakeru and was about to run over to him to keep him from leaving but is frozen in place when he sees who Kakeru was speaking to. Despite having only heard bits and pieces of what was discussed, Tsubaki runs back into the apartment building in tears, heart completely broken.

Meanwhile, back with the others...

Hugh: Like I said about ten times already, I was just looking out for him! You think I want him to get hurt again?!
Lily: I know that but still! Was that kind of comment really necessary?! Couldn't you have at least been more subtle, Hugh?!
Hyde: Yeah, like c'mon dude! We just got Tsubaki back and you just had to go and upset him!
Kuro: *sighs deeply and gets up* Enough arguing, okay? I'll go look for him. He couldn't have went that far yet.

Kuro heads towards the door and once he opens it, he's immediately engulfed in a hug. Despite being caught off-guard, he hugged his little brother back, who was practically clutching onto him like a lifeline and muffling his sobs.

Kuro: Hey, what happened? Who upset you?
Tsubaki: *tightens his hold and doesn't answer*
Hugh: *feeling guilty* Tsubaki, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said in front of Kakeru.
Tsubaki: *sobs harder and buries his face into Ash's chest*
Freya: Hugh, I don't think now's the time. He's clearly upset about it.
Lily: *whispers to Hyde* I don't think things went well between Tsubaki and his boyfriend.
Hyde: *whispers back* I agree... I've never seen Tsubaki this distraught before.
Tsubaki: *voice cracking* K-Kakeru, he...
Kuro: *in a serious tone* What did he do?
Tsubaki: H-He...
Iidio: He what?

Tsubaki breaks down further and finds himself unable to finish his sentence. Concerned, the rest of the Servamps moved from their spots and joined in the hug to try and provide more comfort to their youngest sibling.

Tetsu: *to Misono* What could that kid have possibly done to make Tsubaki break down like this?
Misono: No idea. The only thing I could think of is that they might've broken up.
Voice: I might be able to answer your question.

Sakuya enters through the window with a serious expression on his face.

Kuro: *glares at Sakuya* You! How dare you show your face here after- *gets cut off*
Sakuya: Now's not the time, Sloth. *sighs deeply and glances at Tsubaki* I know I fucked up and I'll leave right after but for now, just hold back your hate for me, alright?
Kuro: Fine. Just tell us what happened. *looks at Tsubaki and softens his look* Please.
Sakuya: I'll start by saying that I am aware that I am the last person that has a right to be angry but... I can't help it.
Lily: We'll not comment on that for now. Just tell us.
Sakuya: *clenches fists in anger* That lookalike of me spoke with that asshole from C3 and when he promised protection, that kid agreed to get rid of Tsubaki without a second thought! Tsubaki witnessed it all... and that's why he's like this now.

Everyone (especially the Servamps) was extremely furious at Kakeru for his betrayal and breaking Tsubaki's heart. Tsubaki however, felt nothing but hate for himself. But he pushed those feelings back, not wanting his siblings to know.

Kuro: That son of a bitch... *looks at Sakuya* I'll disregard my hatred for you. But only for now. I've found someone else that I hate more at the moment.
Sakuya: That's fine by me. I honestly want to join you in kicking that kid's ass. He doesn't deserve Tsubaki. (Neither do I though...)
Tsubaki: Guys, c-can we just not talk about this anymore? Please? I just want to forget the pain for a while.
Iidio: But he hurt you! We can't just let him get away with it!
Tsubaki: I-I know but I just want to forget everything for now. Can we just follow our usual routine and just have fun as a family and friends/frenemies for now?
Kuro: *sighs deeply and pulls back slowly* Only for you.
Mahiru: I'll get the drinks and stuff. *gets up and goes to grab some alcohol*

After everything is all set up...

Lily: Isn't this red wine? I still remember that time Tsubaki got real drunk when he had some.
Mahiru: Yeah, I know but I figured Tsubaki wanted to get drunk just this once. He's gone through a lot today.
Iidio: You sure that's a good idea?
Mahiru: Yeah, I'm sure. I mean, what could go wrong?
Freya: He could break down more due to his emotions running haywire.
Hyde: He'll have a really bad hangover and throw up everywhere.
Tsubaki: I'm right here, you know? But anyways, it's fine. You never know if I'll be drinking or not. It depends on the statement. What's it say anyway?

Sakuya takes a glance at the statement that shows up on Mahiru's phone and immediately has a dark expression on his face.

Tetsu: What's with that look, cabbage? What exactly does it say?
Sakuya: I am not a cabbage!
Tetsu: Your hair says otherwise.
Sakuya: You-! *sighs deeply* But to answer yourself question, it says... *glances over at Tsubaki* "Never have I ever been experimented on".

Everyone widened their eyes in horror when they saw Tsubaki down his whole drink, tears falling down his face right after.

Tsubaki: *laughing brokenly* Wasn't getting my heart broken enough pain for me?! Why, just why?!What is this bullshit?!
Sakuya: I'm sorry, Tsubaki. I swear I didn't do this on purpose. That's what it actually said.
Hugh: Wha-?
Freya: *to Sakuya* You know something about this, don't you?
Sakuya: I do. *pulls Tsubaki close* Long story short, C3 captured Tsubaki way before you all even met him and he was basically their lab rat. Similar to the doll perv's boyfriend.
Tsurugi: Like me?
Iidio: What the hell? *to Tsubaki* What exactly did they do?
Tsubaki: *slurred* 'nt wanna talk 'bout it.
Sakuya: Let's drop the subject and talk about it another time. I think Tsubaki's dealt with enough today.
Mahiru: You can go ahead and take Tsubaki to the guest room, Sakuya. I'm sure he'll need lots of rest after this.

Thirty minutes later...

Kuro: *yelling* You damn cabbage! What do you think you're doing?!
Sakuya: *running away* Sloth, it's not what you think! Stop chasing me!
Misono: Uh, what happened here?
Mahiru: *sighs deeply* Kuro and I went to check on Tsubaki and found Sakuya on top of him.
Lily: Wha-? *glares at Sakuya* How dare you take advantage of him!

Sakuya soon finds himself being chased by seven overprotective siblings, all of them glaring at him and baring their weapons.

A/N: Rip cabbage boy, you will be missed. But what actually happened was that as Sakuya was helping Tsubaki into bed, Tsubaki basically pulled him down with him and hugged him. Since Tsubaki passed out quickly, Sakuya chose not to move so he could rest. But anyways, thanks for reading.

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