Round 20

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Hyde: Betrothed? Really? This is the 21st century, old man.
Toru: *ignores Hyde* You will end whatever relationship you have with Kuro right now and date Rena instead.
Mahiru: No.
Toru: What was that?
Mahiru: I said no, asshole!!
Toru: Watch your mouth, young man!! *to Kuro* Stay the fuck away from my nephew, you understand me!!

Without saying a word, Kuro started to head out but he was stopped by Mahiru, who grabbed his arm.

Mahiru: You're not leaving me. *to Toru* What do you even have against Kuro?!
Toru: He's a GUY, Mahiru!!
Mahiru: So what?!
Toru: That kind of relationship is just disgusting!! What will people say when they find out that my nephew is a fucking homo?
Mahiru: I don't give a shit!! Let them say whatever they want!! I love Kuro and nothing you do or say will ever change that!!
Rena: Mr. Shirota, can we just leave? He obviously doesn't want to date me so there's no point in forcing him to do so.

Toru glares at Rena and then turns back to Mahiru.

Toru: Mahiru, you either date Rena or I disown you.
Rena: That's a bit too harsh, Mr. Shirota!!
Mahiru: Do whatever you want. I don't give a crap.

Toru walks out the door but not before he says...

Toru: Don't you ever show your face around me again. *slams door*
Hyde: *to Rena* Why are you still here? Mahiru doesn't want to date you so scram!!
Rena: I-I know. I don't want to date him either.
Misono: Why were you with Mahiru's uncle then?
Rena: My parents are really good friends with Mr. Shirota and when they found out that he had a nephew, they told him that I was available so...
Licht: Mahiru's uncle tried to get the two of you together, right?
Rena: Y-Yeah...
Sakuya: I see. Just out of curiosity, is there someone you do want to date?
Rena: Maybe.
Tetsu: What's his name?

Rena looks away from Tetsu before giving an answer.

Rena: Her name is Sayuri. Sayuri Nakamura.
Mari: *to Mahiru* Isn't that the same name as your ex-girlfriend's?
Mahiru: Yeah, it is. *to Rena* What's she look like?
Rena: Um... she has black hair, blue eyes with a tint of green and her height is about the same as the guy with purple hair.
Lily: Did you tell her how you feel?
Rena: Of course not. I already know that she's gonna reject me so why bother? *to Mahiru* You got any drinks?
Mahiru: Yeah, vodka and gin.
Rena: Can I get a cup of vodka? I don't really like gin.

Mahiru reaches for a plastic cup and pours vodka in it.

Sakuya: Hey, you wanna play Never Have I Ever with us?
Rena: Sure, if you guys don't mind.
Hyde: (We're suddenly friends with her now?)
Misono: I guess I'll read my statement then.
Tetsu: Let Rena read it.
Misono: Um...ok.

Misono passes his phone to Rena.

Misono: Don't drop it.
Rena: Don't worry, I won't. *pause* Okay, it says: Never have I ever...had a partner whose parents hate me.

Rena drank from her cup.

Mahiru: So, what's your story, Rena?
Rena: I had a boyfriend who was rich. His parents thought that I was only dating him for his money so they broke us up.
Tetsu: How long ago was that?
Rena: Um...five or six years ago, I think.
Licht: How old are you now?
Rena: 20.
Misono: Did you ever see him again?
Rena: No, but it doesn't matter now. I'm not in love with him anymore. *looks at her watch* I have to leave now.
Mahiru: Okay. See ya.

Rena walks out the door.

Kuro: Mahiru, I'm hungry. Make me some ramen.
Mahiru: Really, Kuro? You don't say anything for a long time and when you finally decide to talk, that's what I hear from you? *sighs* Fine. I'm hungry anyway.
Kuro: You're the best, Mahi.

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