Round 6

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The next day, the servamps and their eves were trying to remember what happened last night after they found Misono's living room a complete mess.

Mahiru: What the hell did we do last night?
Sakuya: No idea. All I know is that I have a headache.
Licht: You guys don't remember?

Everyone shook their head.

Licht: Well, let's just say that you guys weren't yourselves.
Kuro: Even me?
Licht: Surprisingly, yes.
Misono: Just tell us what we did.
Licht: Do you want the short version or the long version?
Tsubaki: Short. We'd be here all day if you told us every single detail.
Licht: Alright. Who should I start with?
Mahiru: Me!!
Licht: You were like a human wrecking ball!! You practically destroyed everything that was in your way.
Misono: What about me?
Licht: You were the most surprising one. You were stripping right in front of Tetsu!!
Misono: *embarassed* I-I stripped? Like Lily does?
Licht: Oh, you were worse. Lily only takes off his shirt.

Misono's face was turning into an even brighter shade of red.

Misono: I stripped completely?!
Licht: Yeah.
Misono: Oh my god...
Sakuya: What about me and Sloth?
Licht: You guys were sexually seducing Mahiru.
Sakuya: 😱😱😱

Kuro starts to remember exactly WHAT he did and immediately turns away in embarassment.

Kuro: Mukiaenē 😶😶...

Meanwhile, Mikuni was wondering about what HE did last night.

Mikuni: And me?
Licht: You were making out with your doll.
Mikuni: W-What?!

Tsubaki and Hyde start laughing hysterically. Misono just gave Mikuni a "What the fuck?" look. Sakuya immediately starts teasing him.

Sakuya: If you love your doll so much, why don't you marry her?
Mikuni: I do not like Abel like that!!
Misono: *sarcastic* Right....
Mikuni: I don't!!

Two hours later...

Tetsu: Are we gonna play Never Have I Ever again?
Sakuya: If you want, but we're out of champagne. We drank it all...
Misono: I think my dad has some in his room. I'll go get it.

Misono leaves the living room for a few minutes and comes back with a large bottle of "champagne".

Misono: Dad had a pretty large bottle of champagne in his liquor cabinet.
Sakuya: Um chibi, that's vodka...
Misono: What's the difference? It's still alcohol.
Sakuya: Good point. Alright, I'll start pouring.

Sakuya lays out thirteen new plastic cups and pours half a cup of vodka in each.

Tetsu: How come you poured less than last time?
Sakuya: Vodka is slightly stronger than champagne... I think...
Hyde: It's a lot stronger. Trust me, I know.
Mikuni: *impatient* Can we just start?
Sakuya: Fine! Tetsu, since you wanted to play, read your statement.

Tetsu opens up the app and then clicks on the screen. Once the statement popped up, he clicked on the screen again and read the new statement aloud.

Tetsu: Never have I ever... cried while watching a movie.

Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde and Tetsu are about to drink their first cup when...

Sakuya: Don't drink all of it!!
Hyde: Why not?
Sakuya: Once you're really drunk, the game's over.

Not wanting the game to end so early, Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde and Tetsu end up drinking just two sips of vodka.

Tetsu: I feel dizzy...
Sakuya: Already?!
Tetsu: That shit really is strong...
Sakuya: You only drank two sips of it though!!
Misono: Oh, give him a break!! He's never had alcohol before!! Besides, he's underage, remember?
Sakuya: Oh yeah. *to Mahiru* Anyway, what movie made you cry?
Mahiru: Old Yeller

Hyde's eyes were starting to fill with tears and Kuro just looked at the ground, but you could see the tear that slid down his face.

Hyde: Don't remind me... I'll start crying again...
Licht: I'm surprised you even have tears left to shed.
Tetsu: What is Old Yeller about anyway?
Mari: Can't we just watch it online?
Misono: I'll get my laptop.

Misono comes back with his laptop and puts Old Yeller on. One hour and thirty minutes later, Tetsu, Mahiru, Kuro, Hyde, and Misono started crying.

Kuro: *wiping away his tears* Mendokuse...
Mahiru: Why Travis? Why did you shoot him? Why?!
Lily: Misono, are you crying?
Misono: N-No...

Tetsu wipes Misono's tears away, causimg Misono to blush. Meanwhile, Hyde is sitting next to Licht, bawling like a baby.

Hyde: Waaaaaaaaah!!
Licht: So annoying!!


Misono: Lily, get the door!

Lily flies over to the door and opens it. Standing in front of him is one of their neighbors, wearing an angry expression on his face.

Lily: What brings you here?
Neighbor: Do you know how fucking loud you people are?! I tried ignoring you guys last night already. Now, shut the fuck up or I'm gonna call the cops!! Good day!!

Lily watches the neighbor storm off and then shuts the door.

Servamp: Never Have I EverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora