Round 9

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Mahiru: What are you guys talking about?
Tetsu: Nothing that important, Mahiru aniki. Right guys?
Misono: Yep. We were just...
Tsubaki: ....talking about how Sakuya needs a haircut.
Sakuya: What? We were n----

Licht covers his mouth and whispers in Sakuya's ear.

Licht: Just go with it.
Sakuya: Fine. *to Mahiru* How do you think I should cut it?
Mahiru: I actually like your hair the way it is now.
Sakuya: Really?
Mahiru: Yeah, it suits you.
Sakuya: T-Thanks, Mahiru.

Kuro just looks at the two of them with disgust and....jealousy?

Kuro: Can we start the next round already?
Sakuya: Sure, why not.
Mahiru: I think Tsubaki should read his statement.
Tsubaki: Me?
Mahiru: Yeah.

Tsubaki looks at his statement and smirks.

Tsubaki: Ooh, this will definitely be fun...
Mikuni: Why? What's it say?
Tsubaki: Never have I ever...been cheated on.

No one picked up their cup. However, Hyde noticed that Kuro's fist was clenched, but he decided to ignore it.

Tsubaki: Are you serious?! No one has been cheated on?!
Lily: It seems like it.
Mikuni: So, what happens now?
Sakuya: Tsubaki has to drink.
Tsubaki: Why do I have to?
Sakuya: It's in the rules, Tsubaki!!
Tsubaki: Ugh fine!!

Tsubaki picks up his cup and drinks all the vodka in it.

Sakuya: You didn't have to drink ALL of it!!
Tsubaki: It's fine. I don't get drunk so easily.
Sakuya: If you say so.

Sakuya pours more vodka in Tsubaki's cup.

Misono: For some reason, I feel like someone was lying.
Licht: Same here but why?
Tetsu: It did get really quiet in here when Tsubaki read the statement.
Hyde: I think I might know who lied.
Lily: Who?

Hyde points at Kuro, who looks away.

Mari: No way! Nii san did?
Kuro: No, I didn't...
Hyde: Then, why did you clench your fist when you found out what the statement was?
Kuro: What the hell are you talking about? I didn't clench my fist!!
Jeje: You did, Sleepy Ash. I saw...
Licht: Why are you lying, Kuro?
Kuro: I'm not lying!!
Mahiru: You are.

Everyone turns around to look at Mahiru.

Mahiru: I cheated on him with Sayuri.
Hugh: *to Kuro* Sore wa hontōdesuka (Is that true)?

Kuro shakes his head.

Kuro: No, it's not.
Misono: Naze anata wa uso o tsuite imasu ka (Why do you keep lying)?!
Kuro: *falters* I-I'm not....
Sakuya: Mahiru, you really cheated on Sloth?
Mahiru: I did. I don't regret it one bit either.

At that moment, Kuro's heart broke. He only denied it because he wanted to forget about it. He wanted to forgive Mahiru because he was...still in love with him. However, the others weren't making it any easier to do so. Finally, he had enough.

Lily: You gonna keep lying, nii san?
Kuro: Just shut up!!

Kuro's sudden outburst surprised everyone, even Tsubaki.

Tsubaki: Sleepy Ash?
Kuro: Just leave me alone...

Kuro then storms off.

Licht: *to Mahiru* Why are you just standing there?! Go after him!!
Mahiru: Why? He'll come back when he wants to.

While Licht continues to argue with Mahiru, Misono leans over and whispers in Lily's ear.

Misono: It's gonna take a lot more than your plan to get them back together, Lily. At this rate, even their friendship will cease to exist.
Lily: You're right, but what can we do about it?
Misono: I don't know but we have to do something!! Both Mahiru and Kuro helped me out multiple times before. I want to return the favor.
Lily: I've got an idea, but you may not like it.
Misono: What is it?
Lily: We need to find this Sayuri girl and invite her over.

*I feel soooo bad for Kuro 😢... Why am I doing this to myself?!

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