Round 23

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Ten minutes earlier...

Mikuni: What do you mean by that? Is Tsubaki going out with that guy?
Hugh: Probably.
Mahiru: Is that guy one of his previous subclasses?
Hugh: Nope. He's human, just like you and the other eves.
Licht: You think the guy knows that he's dating a demon?
Hugh: Probably not. Unless he formed a contract with him.
Kuro: This guy better not break Tsubaki's heart or else.
Mahiru: Or else what?
Kuro: Let's just hope that you'll never have to find out.

Present time...

Mahiru: Just got a text from Sakuya. It says, "I fucked up...he's taken now"
Hugh: Well, that confirms it.
Tetsu: The poor cabbage got his heart broken... Predictable.
Misono: Cabbage? Really?
Tetsu: I have no idea why I called him that.
Mahiru: Be honest, do you guys think that Sakuya will get a second chance?
Everyone: Nope.
Mahiru: Why not?
Lily: Well, because he fucked up. Sakuya 'said' it himself, didn't he?
Mahiru: Yeah, but I- *gets cut off*
Hyde: Not all servamps are as forgiving as nii san, you know. If anything, you got lucky. (Why'd you say that, you stupid hedgehog?!)

All of the side conversations (mainly between Misono and Tetsu, with Mikuni yelling in the background) ended as soon as Hyde said those words.

Mari: I know you were trying to make a point, but you didn't have to be mean about it, Lawless.
Hyde: I didn't mean to say that, I swear. It just slipped out. *to Mahiru* I'm sorry.
Mahiru: It's okay. You don't need to apologize.
Hyde: But I-

Knock knock!!

Tetsu: Do you think that's Tsubaki?
Mahiru: Only one way to find out.

Mahiru opens the door and whoever was there ran right past him and tackled Kuro.

Mahiru: What the?
Kuro: Mendokusē... Get off me...World.
World End: Sorry nii san. I just really missed you.
Kuro: I guess it has been pretty long since we've last seen eachother. So, how've you been?
World End: Pretty good. Also, you're never gonna believe this but I actually have an eve.
Hyde: Really? What's her name?
World End: HIS name is *gets cut off*
Voice: Soku!! (a/n: Thx LucariosFish for the name suggestion)

World End and the others look towards the door and see the last person that they ever expected to see.

Misono: No's...
Mahiru: ...Tsuyuki senpai?!
Shuhei: *to World* Sorry I took so long.
World End: It's okay. Was there an emergency?
Shuhei: No, Touma was just being an ass like always. Anyway, I got you some chips from the vending machine.

World End transforms into a pig and starts running around Shuhei like a dog who's excited to see their owner.

World End: You're the best, Shuu!!
Kuro: *to Shuhei* YOU'RE my little brother's eve?
Shuhei: Yeah, and before you say anything, I did not become his eve just so he could be C3's lab rat.
Misono: What's the real reason then?
Shuhei: Uh... (I don't want to tell them, but if I don't, then...)

Seeing how nervous his eve was, World Eve decided to change the subject.

World End: Hey, what's with all the cups of sake, Mahiru?
Mahiru: Oh, we were playing Never have I ever.
World End: Sounds interesting...You mind if I join?
Mahiru: Of course not. Tsuyuki senpai, do you want to play too?
Shuhei: Sure, since I don't really have anything left to do at C3 later.
Mahiru: *hands World his phone* Since you're new, why don't you read the statement?
World End: Okay. It says, Never Have I Ever...written fanfiction.

Only Lily drank from his cup.

Misono: Why am I not surprised? He has hundreds of fanfics for his favorite couple in YOI.
Tetsu: Which couple?
Lily: Viktuuri duh!!
Mahiru: I like Viktuuri too but I'm an even bigger fan of Otayuri.
Misono: You watch YOI, Mahiru?
Mahiru: Yeah, but only when Kuro's asleep.
Licht: Does he not like it or something?
Kuro: It's not that I don't like it. It's just that whenever Viktor speaks, all I hear is World. It's kind of creepy.
World End: What?! Mahiru, put an episode of YOI on. I wanna hear this Viktor's voice for myself.

Two minutes later...

World End: What...the...heck?
Shuhei: Soku, why the hell do I only hear your voice instead of the guy's?!
World End: I don't know, but I'm kind of freaked out now.
Kuro: I told you.
Lily: I don't hear it at all.
Mahiru: Me neither.
Kuro: Really?! I hear it clear as day!!

Knock knock!!

Licht: I'll go get it *opens door* Oi, crazy doll freak, your bf's here.
Mikuni: He is 😀? *walks to the door* I thought you said you couldn't make it, Tsu~Tsu?
Tsurugi: .....
Mikuni: Is something wrong?
Tsurugi: Can I stay with you?
Mikuni: Of course you can, but why?
Tsurugi: ....he knows.
Mikuni: Who knows what?
Tsurugi: Touma...he knows about us.

Servamp: Never Have I EverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ