Round 3

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Sakuya takes the phone from Lily and hands it to Hyde.

Sakuya: Here, greed. You read the next statement.
Hyde: The statement's the same as before!!
Sakuya: *smacks forehead* Click on the screen!!
Hyde: Okay, okay!! Don't yell at me!!

Hyde clicks on the screen and Tsubaki tries to take a peek at the statement, but Hyde closes the phone.

Licht: Hyde, what did it say?
Hyde: Um... it said: Never have I ever... snooped on my partner's smartphone.

Licht and Kuro drink their second cup of champagne while Tsubaki and Lily drink their first cup.

Kuro: *to Tsubaki* Lemme guess, you snooped Sakuya's phone.
Tsubaki: How'd you know?
Kuro: You have Sakuya's phone right now, Tsubaki.
Sakuya: W-What?! Didn't greed have my phone?
Hyde: I did, but I put it down for one second to answer a text.
Sakuya: Greed!!

Tsubaki starts scrolling through Sakuya's photo gallery and notices a whole album dedicated to... Mahiru.

Tsubaki: Mahiru, there's a whole album just for you.
Mahiru: Why?
Misono: I saw that too!!
Sakuya: What?! When?!
Misono: Lily was looking at your pictures earlier and I just happened to see it.
Hyde: Open it!!
Sakuya: No don't!!
Tsubaki: Too late...

Tsubaki opened the album titled, "Mahiru" and clicked on one of the photos:

Tsubaki opened the album titled, "Mahiru" and clicked on one of the photos:

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Licht: WTF?!
Tetsu: ......
Mahiru: How'd you get the last picture?! I was with my uncle the whole time!!
Hyde: Do you stalk him or something?
Sakuya: Uh...
Mikuni: Guess that's a yes. What a creep!!
Tsubaki: He's got more!! Wanna see?

Sakuya snatches the phone from Tsubaki and deletes (more like renames) the Mahiru file.

Sakuya: Someone else get the app on their phone cuz we're not using my phone anymore!!
Mari: Why?
Sakuya: I don't want you guys looking through my stuff, that's why!!
Tsubaki: It's not our fault that you're obsessed with Mahiru, Sakuya.
Sakuya: I-I am not obsessed with Mahiru!!
Licht: That album of yours says otherwise.
Sakuya: Just shut up!! All of you!!

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