Round 7

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Lily turned around and saw Misono standing right behind him.

Misono: I heard a lot of yelling out here so I came to check it out. Who was at the door anyway?
Lily: Just the "nicest" neighbor in the world, of course.
Misono: Him again 😡?!
Lily: Yeah. He heard Lawless bawling and assumed it was us being loud idiots. He even threatened to call the cops this time.
Misono: Seriously?!

Lily nods his head and while the two of them are walking back to the living room, Misono snaps and says everything on his mind.

Misono: I swear to god, that bastard needs to get a life!!
Lily: Agreed.
Misono: I mean, he's a complete loner!! He talks to no one else but his cats and hates everything!!
Lily: True. Remember when you invited him over for dinner when he first moved in?
Misono: Of course I do.

Misono and Lily start doing an impression of the man.

Misono: You want me to eat this?! It looks like shit!!
Lily: *covers his eyes* Why is it so bright in here?! Do you want me to go blind?!

After a few more impressions, they made it to the living room.

Mahiru: Did I hear someone yelling earlier?
Misono: Don't worry about it. Let's just start the next round.
Mahiru: Um... ok...
Hyde: Nii san, what's your statement?
Kuro: Mendokusē... *yawns* It says: Never have I ever...cross dressed.

No one picked up their cup.

Licht: You should be drinking right now, demon.
Sakuya: Why?
Licht: Because of this: 

Sakuya: Why?Licht: Because of this: 

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Licht shows everyone the picture. Hyde and Tsubaki were trying not to laugh.

Sakuya: W-When did I wear that?!
Licht: Oh, last night. You guys were seducing Mahiru while wearing maid outfits.
Sakuya: You guys? You mean Sloth...
Licht: Yep. Kuro cross dressed too.

Licht then shows everyone the picture of Kuro (the hair color's a bit off):

Licht then shows everyone the picture of Kuro (the hair color's a bit off):

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At this point, Hyde and Tsubaki couldn't hold in their laughter any longer.

Hyde: Oh my god, I'm dying 😂😂!!
Kuro: *blushing* Mukiaenē....
Mikuni: You look so pretty, Sakuya!!
Sakuya: S-Shut up!!
Tsubaki: *teasingly* I didn't know you were actually a girl, Sakuya...
Sakuya: I'm a boy, jackass 😡!!


Misono: *annoyed* Oh, what now?!

Misono walks to the door and opens it. Just as he suspected, their "kind" neighbor was standing right in front of him.

Misono: You need something?
Neighbor: Yeah. I need you guys to shut the hell up!! I can't even watch my shows without hearing someone laughing like a dying hyena 😡!!

Mahiru heard the yelling and rushed out of the living room to see what was going on. When he saw who was at the door, his eyes widened.

*Next chapter will be a bonus one about Mahiru's relationship with the neighbor. Also, who do you think looks better in a maid's outfit: Kuro or Sakuya?

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