Round 19

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Sakuya: Three showers later and I still feel them squirming on me...
Tsubaki: That's what you get for pranking me
Sakuya: I should've known that this was coming but... 100 worms?!
Tsubaki: It was originally supposed to be 50 but Belkia just kept putting more in the bag.
Sakuya: Whatever. I'm gonna go take another shower.

While Sakuya heads to the bathroom, Belkia walks over to Tsubaki.

Belkia: I just finished getting rid of the worms, Tsubakkyun.
Tsubaki: Where'd you put them?
Sakuya: TSUBAKI!!!!
Belkia: In the bathroom.
Tsubaki: *facepalms*

Meanwhile, at Mahiru's place...

Mahiru: What do you want for breakfast, Kuro? And don't say ramen.
Kuro: Anything's fine.
Mahiru: Okay. I'll just make some pancakes then.

A few minutes later...

Mahiru: Do you want blueberries or strawberries on your pancake?
Kuro: Blueberries
Mahiru: *sets plate down*
Kuro: Did you really have to make mine heart-shaped?
Mahiru: I could make you one that's not heart-shaped if you want.
Kuro: No, it's fine. *takes a bite* It tastes pretty good.
Mahiru: Really? You're not just being nice, are you?
Kuro: Of course not. Everything you make is delicious.
Mahiru: *blushing*

Knock knock!!

Mahiru: Who could that be?
Kuro: Probably the guys.
Mahiru: It's only 9 a.m. though...

Mahiru walks over to the door and when he opens it, he sees the last person that he expected to show up.

Mahiru: What are you doing here?
Toru: It's nice to see you too, Mahiru. Anyway, where's Kuro? I need to talk to him.
Mahiru: He's over there, eating pancakes.
Toru: Thanks. Also, could you step out for a minute?
Mahiru: Um...okay?

Mahiru walks out of the apartment and closes the door behind him. A few minutes later, Misono and the others show up just as Toru is about to step out.

Mahiru: You're leaving already?
Toru: Yeah, but I'll be back later with someone.
Mahiru: Dad?
Toru: You wish. I haven't seen that bastard in years. *walks out*
Licht: What's with him?
Mahiru: I don't know. *to Kuro* What'd he want to talk to you about?
Kuro: You'll find out later.
Mahiru: Why can't you just tell me now?
Kuro: I don't want to. It's too much of a pain to talk about.
Sakuya: *pulls out drinks* Vodka anyone?
Hyde: It's still pretty early though...
Sakuya: True. How about at noon?
Everyone: Sounds good to me.

Three hours later...

Hyde: I'm gonna win, nii san.
Kuro: That's what you said for the last fifty rounds.
Licht: You might as well admit defeat right now, shit rat. Neko san's got a blue shell.
Hyde: *to Kuro* You better not use it on me.

Kuro "accidently" pushes a button and releases the blue shell, which hits Hyde's car.

Hyde: Seriously?!
Kuro: My bad, my finger slipped.
Hyde: Liar!! You totally did that on purpose!!
Kuro: Whatever. Rematch?
Hyde: You're on!!

Mahiru walks over to the TV and shuts it off.

Kuro+Hyde: Hey!!
Mahiru: No more rematches!! You guys have been playing video games for the last three hours.
Kuro: Can't we just play one more round?
Mahiru: Maybe later, but not now.
Kuro+Hyde: Fine. *mumbles* Party pooper.
Mahiru: What was that?
Kuro: Nothing.
Hyde: I didn't say anything.
Sakuya: It's noon now so...
Licht: Yeah, we know. Who's turn is it to read the statement?
Mari: Me, I think. Just give me one sec.

Mari unlocks her phone and opens up the NHIE app.

Mari: Never have I ever...given someone a fake phone number.

Mikuni, Hugh and Licht drink from their cups.

Tetsu: Isn't this Hugh's first time drinking?
Jeje: You're right. I don't think I saw him pick up his cup for the last 19 rounds.
Tsubaki: This should be pretty interesting.
Mahiru: Okay Hugh, spill.
Hugh: I gave half of my subclasses an expired number. I don't need them texting me random crap 24/7.
Sakuya: Why didn't I think about that?! Tsubaki spams my phone all the damn time. There's like hundreds of pictures of him in his animal form.
Tsubaki: Kawaii desu ka (Am I cute?)
Sakuya: No.
Tsubaki: *sulks in the corner*
Lily: What about you, Mikuni?
Mikuni: Hmm...I don't remember who I gave it to but the number belonged to a sexy pole dancer.

Awkward silence.

Jeje: You've been to a strip club?
Mikuni: .....No.
Tetsu: You have sex with any of them?
Mikuni: Of course not!!
Kuro: We're getting way off topic now.
Mahiru: Yeah, we are. So, Licht, what about you?
Licht: I *gets cut off*

Knock knock!!

Mahiru: He's back already?! *to Sakuya* Hide the vodka!!
Sakuya: Why?
Mahiru: He can't find out that I've been drinking.
Hyde: You didn't drink at all today though.
Mahiru: I know, but still hide it.

As Mahiru walks over to the door, Sakuya hurriedly puts the vodka bottles in his bag.

Mahiru: *opens door* Well, you're back earl...who's the girl?
Toru: Go on, introduce yourself.
Girl: I'm Rena Kishimoto. Nice to meet you.
Toru: Rena is your betrothed.
Mahiru: WHAT?!

I finally's been keeping me pretty busy and I had a really bad case of writer's block.

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