💔~Sakubaki~💔 (Part 1)

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I planned to publish this by the last week of September but school's been keeping me pretty busy so I wasn't able to work on it.

One month later...

Mahiru: Has anyone been able to reach Tsubaki lately? He hasn't been answering his phone.
Lily: No. I've tried multiple times, but my calls always go straight to voicemail.
Mahiru: I hope he's okay...

Silence filled the entire room.

Hyde: *whispers to Licht* Should we tell them?
Tetsu: Tell us what?
Licht: We saw Tsubaki a few weeks ago and....he wasn't looking too good.
Hyde: He's lost a lot of weight and looked pretty pale, well paler than usual.
Licht: I think I also saw two scars by his wrists, but I could be wrong.
Kuro: *glares at Sakuya* This is all your goddamn fault.
Sakuya: What did I do?
Mahiru: Let's just say that Tsubaki confessed his feelings for someone and he got friend-zoned.
Sakuya: I don't get it.

As soon as these words left his mouth, something in Kuro snapped and his eve had to restrain him.

Kuro: *serious* Mahiru, let me go. Right now.
Mahiru: What are you going to do once I let you go?
Kuro: Strangle the daylights out of him.
Mahiru: I won't let you do that.
Kuro: What?
Mahiru: I'm sorry, Kuro.

Ten minutes later...

Kuro: *yawns* Did I fall asleep?
Licht: Kind of. Mahiru...knocked you out.
Kuro: *to Mahiru* What did you do?
Mahiru: Look at your left arm.

Kuro turns his head towards the left and...

Kuro: What the? Why the hell is my arm handcuffed to the table?!
Mahiru: There's was no other way to restrain you.
Kuro: Where'd you even get the handcuffs?
Mahiru: From Mikuni.
Mikuni: I was actually planning on using them on Tsurugi though.
Kuro: *ignores Mikuni* How long am I going to stay like this?
Mahiru: When you calm down.
Kuro: That's not gonna happen. *to his siblings* I'm surprised that you guys can be so calm about this.
Mari: We're not calm at all, nii san.
Lily: She's right. I'm trying really hard not to lose my temper.
Hyde: Same here. I didn't think that it would bother me so much, but it just does.

Bzzt bzzt!!

Hugh: It's one of my subclasses. He said that they spotted Tsubaki with a girl.
Sakuya: Is it Otogiri?
Hugh: No. It was a girl with light blue hair. *shows only Tetsu and Mikuni (he was sitting on the other side of Hugh) the picture*
Tetsu: She's cute, but not as cute as my precious little chibi ♡
Misono: *blushing*
Mikuni: *to Hugh* How'd he manage to get a girl like that to hang out with him? He has like the weirdest fashion sense ever.
Hugh: Tsubaki's not wearing his usual attire. Just a plain black t-shirt, dark blue ripped jeans and black sneakers.
Mahiru: No sunglasses?
Hugh: Nope. He even fixed up his hair a little bit. You guys want to see?

Hugh hands Sakuya his phone, who immediately zoomed in the picture.

Mikuni: Well, what do you know? He does have a good taste in fashion after all.
Licht: He definitely looks a lot better than the last time I saw him.
Misono: The smile on his face seems so genuine too. It's like he's a whole different person.
Sakuya: He looks kind of hot...I liked him in his old outfit too though...I just said that out loud, didn't I?
Hyde: Yep and someone's not happy.
Kuro: *trying not to lose his cool* If that's what you think, why did you reject him?
Sakuya: What are you talking about? When did Tsubaki even confess?
Sakuya: Last month?

Sakuya tries to remember what happened during the past month and the words 'I like you' stood out the most. At that moment, Sakuya finally realized his mistake.

Sakuya: *to Hugh* Where is he?
Hugh: He's by the mall a few blocks away from here.
Sakuya: Thanks. *rushes out the door*

After he left, Tetsu zooms out of the picture and notices something that Sakuya missed.

Tetsu: Um...Hugh? Who's the guy?
Hugh: What guy?
Tetsu: The one that's holding hands with Tsubaki in the picture.
Hugh: Oh, that guy. I didn't mention him on purpose because I wanted Sakuya to find out himself.


Girl: You know, I didn't think that you were good enough for my brother, but I was wrong. You're a pretty nice guy.
Boy: That's what I've been trying to tell you over and over again. *to Tsubaki* I'm surprised that you weren't taken already.
Tsubaki: Actually...I had a crush on someone else before I met you but he rejected me.
Girl: Oh.
Boy: Is that why you.... *trails off*
Tsubaki: ....Maybe.

Awkward silence.

Boy: I'll never leave you, you know that right?
Tsubaki: Yeah. I just hope that my siblings are okay with us.
Boy: Yeah, I hope so too.
Sakuya: *far away* Tsubaki!!
Boy: Who is that?
Tsubaki: A friend.
Boy: Do you want to talk to him?
Tsubaki: No.
Boy: Well, you're gonna have to because he's heading this way.

Tsubaki turned around and saw Sakuya, who was out of breath, walking towards him.

Sakuya: Tsubaki, can I talk to you for a second?
Tsubaki: This isn't a good time.
Sakuya: Please? *notices the boy* Who's that?
Boy: I'm his boyfriend, Kakeru.
Sakuya: Boyfriend?
Tsubaki: Kakeru, can we just go?
Kakeru: You really don't want to talk to him?
Tsubaki: No. At least....not right now.
Girl: *far away* Hey, you guys coming or what?
Tsubaki: *yells back* We'll be right there!! C'mon Kakeru, let's go.

Tsubaki grabs Kakeru's arm and quickly drags him away, leaving Sakuya all alone, heartbroken.

Sakuya: I actually had the chance to go out with Tsubaki and I blew it. Now, it's too late. He's...no longer mine.

*There will be a part 2 in the future...probably after a few more chapters or something...

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