Round 21

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Three days later...

Kuro: *looks through the peephole* Mahi, she's here again...
Mahiru: Seriously?! What does she even want?!
Kuro: How should I know? Go find out yourself.
Mahiru: Ugh fine.

Mahiru reluctantly opens the door and standing in front of him is none other than Rena Kishimoto.

Mahiru: Okay, out with it. Why do you keep coming here?
Rena: I just have a little favor to ask you.
Mahiru: *annoyed* What is it?
Rena: Could you get me a date with that green haired guy? Um...I think Sakuya was his name.
Kuro: Why don't you just ask him out yourself? You have a mouth, right?
Rena: *ignores Kuro* Please? I'll leave you alone after this. I promise.
Mahiru: I'll try, but I can't make any promises.
Rena: That's cool. Well, I'll leave you two alone now. *walks away*

When Rena was completely out of sight, Mahiru closed the door.

Kuro: I can't believe she kept bugging us for three days straight for a stupid reason like that.
Mahiru: She must really like him.
Kuro: Either that or she's just that desperate to get over her crush on Sayuri.
Mahiru: That could be true, but what choice do I have? Do you really want her to annoy us for the rest of our lives?
Kuro: No, but we both know what he's gonna say. *imitates Sakuya* I won't go on a date with anyone who isn't you.
Sakuya: How do you know that that's what I'll say?

Mahiru and Kuro turn around and see Sakuya and Tsubaki (in his fox form) sitting on the couch.

Mahiru: How long were you sitting there for?
Sakuya: Just a minute ago. Anyway, what were you and Kuro talking about?
Kuro: Do you remember the girl who Mahiru's uncle wanted him to date?
Sakuya: Rena, right? What about her?
Mahiru: Well, she uh...wants to go on a date with you.
Sakuya: R-Really?
Kuro: Yeah. She kept bothering us for three days straight.
Sakuya: It would be pretty rude of me to say no so... What the heck? Tell her to me at the nearby restaurant at two o'clock tomorrow.
Mahiru: Sure. If she comes here again.

A few minutes later...

Misono: You got a date?!
Licht: For real?!
Sakuya: Yeah, with Rena.
Tetsu: I thought you only liked guys though.
Sakuya: I do, but Rena's kind of cute so I don't mind just going on one date with her.
Tsubaki: Seriously? I think she looks like a troll.
Lily: Someone's jealous...
Tsubaki: I am not!!
Hyde: You totally are.
Tsubaki: Can we just change the subject?
Mikuni: Ok. Let's talk about your feelings fo- *gets cut off*
Tsubaki: Say another word and... *takes out katana* I'll cut out your tongue!!

Mikuni hides behind Jeje, who just lets out a sigh.

Mikuni: He's scaring me...
Jeje: Well, there's nothing I can do about it.
Mahiru: Tsubaki, put your katana away or else I'll tell HIM about you know what.
Tsubaki: Ugh, fine!! *katana disappears*
Sakuya: Who's 'Him'?
Tsubaki: No one important.
Sakuya: So, I'm guessing 'Him' is actually me then.
Tsubaki: Uh... Can we play Never Have I Ever now or something?
Sakuya: I didn't bring the bottle of vodka with me.
Tsubaki: What?!

Tsubaki reaches for Sakuya's bag and looks inside. It was completely empty.

Tsubaki: Nii san, do you guys have any drinks?
Kuro: We have a bottle of sake somewhere. Mahi, go get it.
Mahiru: Why can't you just get it?
Kuro: It's so far...
Mahiru: What are you talking about? The cabinet's only five steps away from you!!
Kuro: I'm too lazy to get up.
Mahiru: *lets out a sigh* I'll get it then.

Mahiru walks over to the cabinet and takes out half a bottle of sake.

Mahiru: Kuro already drank some of it last night so there might not be a lot left.
Sakuya: That's fine. Can you also get some cups?
Mahiru: Sure. Just give me a sec.

One minute later...

Sakuya: Okay, everything's finally set up. So, who's supposed to read the statement now?
Misono: I think you are.
Sakuya: Oh. Um...can I borrow someone's phone?
Licht: What happened to yours?
Sakuya: I forgot it at home.
Tetsu: *hands Sakuya his phone* You can use mine. I've already opened the app for you too.
Sakuya: Thanks. *clears his throat* Never have I ever...sent a text to the wrong person.

Everyone (except Jeje and Hugh) drank from their cups.

Hugh: That was almost everyone in the entire apartment.
Tetsu: *to Tsubaki* So, who'd you send the wrong text to and what did it say?
Tsubaki: Why do I have to tell you what the text said?
Kuro: He sent it to me and it said, 'I think I'm in love with you'.
Tsubaki: Nii san!! You promised me that you wouldn't say anything!!
Kuro: Did I? I don't remember.
Tsubaki: You're such an ass.
Sakuya: Is anyone else wondering about who he was planning on sending the confession to?

Hyde's and Lily's lips curled into a smirk.

Lily: I don't know why, but I feel like the person's name starts with an S.
Hyde: Hmm...Who do we know whose name starts with an S?
Tsubaki: *to Misono* Who did you send the wrong text to?
Misono: Mikuni 😑
Tetsu: What'd it say?
Misono: *looks away* 'We should have sex after you get home from school'.

Awkward silence.

Tetsu: Were you drunk or something when you wrote that text?
Misono: Maybe...
Hyde: Well, at least you didn't accidentally send nudes to your boyfriend's manager.
Licht: You did what?!
Hyde: I was planning to send those to you, but I was half asleep and my finger slipped.
Licht: (I should get Kranz to send me those pics, if he didn't delete them already)
Hyde: I could just send you them myself.
Licht: *flustered* Quit reading my mind, shit rat!!

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