Round 5

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Meanwhile, back at Misono's...

Mahiru: Do you think Licht was able to find Hyde?
Kuro: Probably.
Misono: They're sure taking their sweet time though...
Sakuya: You guys wanna continue without them?
Tetsu: I could wait.
Mikuni: I can't...I'm about to die from boredom.
Misono: You're always bored!!
Sakuya: The day's almost over anyway so let's just play without them.
Jeje: Mari, what does your statement say?
Mari: I don't know. Let me check.

Mari unlocks her phone and opens the NHIE app and looks at the statement.

Mari: It says: Never have I ever... googled myself.
Hugh: What's google?
Tsubaki: Seriously 😒?
Hugh: I'm still new to this whole technology thing!!
Tetsu: Google is just a website used to find out information and other things on the internet.
Hugh: What's the internet?
Misono: You're kidding, right?
Hugh: Nope.
Sakuya: *groans* We don't have time for this!! Whoever did google themself before, please just drink already!!

Tsubaki shamelessly picks up his second cup of champagne and chugs it down.

Mahiru: Why would you google yourself, Tsubaki?
Sakuya: He probably wanted to find out if people out there in the world knows of his existence.
Misono: People probably do.
Sakuya: Oh yeah? Wanna bet?
Misono: What's your wager?
Sakuya: Ten bucks... that's all I got.
Misono: Deal.

Misono types "Tsubaki" in the Google search bar. Once he saw a familiar looking picture of Tsubaki, he knew he won the bet.

Misono: You might as well give me the ten bucks now, Sakuya...because you just lost!!
Sakuya: What?! Let me see that!!

Sakuya grabs the phone from Misono and scowls when he sees:

Sakuya: 😠 Here!! Take it, you damn chibi!!Kuro: Wow, Tsubaki looks crazy in almost all of these pictures, especially the 4th one

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Sakuya: 😠 Here!! Take it, you damn chibi!!
Kuro: Wow, Tsubaki looks crazy in almost all of these pictures, especially the 4th one...
Lily: He is a crazy nut job, you know.
Tsubaki: Was!! I WAS a crazy nut job!!
Mahiru: No, you still are one.
Tsubaki: You guys are so mean!!
Jeje: They're just being honest, you know. Besides, you did try to kill us... over and over and over again.
Tsubaki: Yeah, but...
Misono: Face it, Tsubaki, you'll always be crazy
Tsubaki: You guys really are mean!!

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