Round 8

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Mahiru: Hey guys!!
Licht: Tsk. Took you guys long enough...
Mahiru: Sorry, I was just catching up with someone.
Makoto: Wow, you have a lot of friends, Mahiru!!

Everyone just stares at Makoto.

Hyde: Who the heck are you?
Makoto: I'm Mahiru's father, Makoto. I live next door.

Sakuya grabs Mahiru's arm and pulls him away from everyone else.

Sakuya: Are you sure about this, Mahiru? What if he finds out that half of us are kyūketsukis?!
Mahiru: It'll be fine, Sakuya. I promise.
Sakuya: How do you know? What if he does find out? We'll be exposed!!
Mahiru: Calm down, Sakuya!! It's fine because....

Before Mahiru could finish his sentence, he heard someone yelling at the top of their lungs.

Hyde: WHAT?!
Tetsu: Did Mahiru aniki tell you?
Makoto: No. I actually found out myself.
Hugh: How?
Lily: Well....
Mari: You transformed, didn't you?

Lily nods his head while avoiding eye contact with Mari.

Jeje: Are you a moron?
Lily: I didn't mean to!!
Tsubaki: Well, now that you know....

Tsubaki prepares to pull out his katana but...

Sakuya: Tsubaki!! Don't you dare!!
Tsubaki: You're no fun, Sakuya...
Makoto: *to Sakuya* Are you also a vampire?
Sakuya: Yeah.
Makoto: You don't seem like one...
Sakuya: Thanks I guess?
Makoto: Don't mention it. It was really nice meeting you guys.
Mahiru: You're leaving?
Makoto: Yeah.

Mahiru gives Makoto a goodbye hug and Makoto leaves.

Mikuni: Finally!! I was getting bored...
Misono: You're always bored!!
Sakuya: Anyway, I'll start setting up for the next round.

Two minutes later....

Sakuya: Done!
Misono: You better not have spilled any vodka on the carpet!!
Sakuya: Oh relax, will ya?
Mikuni: Someone just read their goddamn statement!!
Licht: Shit rat, what's yours?
Hyde: Never have I ever...been too drunk to find my way home.

Licht and Kuro both pick up their cups and drank three sips of vodka.

Hugh: Wow, it seems like Sleepy Ash is drinking a lot in this game.
Lily: True. I don't think you, Jeje and Mari have drank even a cup yet.
Mari: So, Licht right?
Licht: Yeah...
Mari: Tell us about it. The time you were so drunk that you couldn't find your way back.
Licht: Ugh. Fine!!

Ten minutes later....

Licht: So that's what happened.
Hyde: That's not what I remember. You drunk texted me to come get you.
Licht: No, I didn't!!
Hyde: Yes, you did!! I even have the message saved.

Hyde shows everyone the text: Oi, baaaaaka nezumiiiii!!! I'm soooooooo drunk!! I don't know where I am...  COME FIND MEEEEEEEEE!!!

Hyde: Still don't believe me?
Licht: Whatever... What about you, neko san?
Kuro: Mendokusē. This is what happened...

Ten minutes later...

Mahiru: No wonder you reeked of alcohol!!
Kuro: So, I had a few drinks. Is that a problem?!
Mahiru: Twelve bottles of liquor is NOT a few drinks!!
Kuro: Well, what about you?! Everyday you come home fucking wasted!!
Mahiru: It's not my fault that I have a life!!
Kuro: You know, ever since you started dating that bitch, you've been a complete jackass!!
Jeje: Whoa.
Mahiru: Don't you dare talk about Sayuri like that!!
Kuro: I'll talk about her however I want!!
Misono: Just calm down, you two!!

Five minutes later...

Sakuya: What the hell just happened?
Hyde: No clue and who's Sayuri?
Mahiru: We might as well tell them now, Kuro.
Misono: Tell us what?
Kuro: Me and Mahiru broke up....

As soon as Kuro said those words, everyone was speechless.

Tetsu: When?
Mahiru: Two years ago.
Sakuya: That long?!
Lily: I actually thought that you guys were perfect for eachother.
Hyde: Why'd you guys even break up in the first place?

Kuro and Mahiru look at eachother, not saying a word.

Licht: Well?
Kuro: We had a pretty bad argument and HE broke up with ME.
Mahiru: So what if I did?! I was sick and tired of you anyway!!
Tetsu: What was the argument about?

Mahiru was about to respond, but Kuro interrupts him.

Kuro: You don't need to know...
Mahiru: The hell he doesn't!! Maybe he'll be on MY side!!
Kuro: Why do you need to get them involved?! It's OUR problem!!

Mahiru takes a deep breath.

Mahiru: We'll talk about this later, Sleepy Ash!!
Kuro: Fine by me, Shirota!!

Everyone else has their own little group conversation.

Licht: This is pretty serious.
Hyde: No kidding, Lichtan. Mahiru even called nii san "Sleepy Ash" instead of "Kuro" like he always does.
Lily: We need to get them back together!!
Tetsu: You're right. It's obvious that Mr. Sloth still likes Mahiru aniki.
Sakuya: I don't really want to help them get back together, but I want Mahiru to be happy so.... I'm in.
Tsubaki: Can I not do anything?
Misono: No one's asking you for your help, Tsubaki!!
Licht: So, what's the plan?

Lily whispers in their ears, unaware that Kuro and Mahiru are staring at them.

Kuro: What is my little brother planning now?
Mahiru: I don't know. They better not be thinking about getting us back together though.

Kuro doesn't say anything and watches Mahiru walking towards the others when Lily stopped whispering.

Servamp: Never Have I EverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora