Round 26

184 11 3

Minutes after the song was finished...

Licht: Holy shit, that was... I'm speechless.
Kakeru: *smiling and wiping away tears* That was so beautiful, Baki! But it also sounded so sad...
Tsubaki: *blushing slightly* Thanks and yeah, I know. I first wrote this song when I felt like I was alone. *glances at the Servamps with a slight frown* I didn't have a good relationship with my siblings for a long time.
Kuro: *frowns as well at the reminder* Tsubaki...
Tsubaki: *turns to Kuro and gives a reassuring smile* It's all in the past, Nii-san. I'm much happier now.
Kuro: *smiles as well and pats Tsubaki's head softly*
Lily: *takes a picture of the brotherly moment and sends it to almost everyone* Definitely need to save this moment~
Mahiru: Agreed! I love seeing Kuro getting all soft with you all!~ *saves the picture to my phone*
Kuro: *embarrassed* Mahi...
Kakeru: Can I get that picture too?~
Lily: Sure! I can send it to ya~ What's your contact info?

Kakeru gives Lily his phone number and almost immediately, Lily sends him the photo he just took, along with some additional photos he had of Tsubaki smiling with the others.

Kakeru: *sees the extra photos and smiles at Lily* Thanks man, I definitely needed these~
Lily: No need to thank me, we're basically family now~
Tsubaki: *flustered* Lily!!
Kakeru: *is equally as flustered and looks down at the floor to hide my blush*
Hugh: *glances at Tsubaki and Kakeru for a second before clearing his throat* Sorry to ruin the moment but Tsubaki, did you want to tell your boyfriend about something?

Almost everyone in the room gives Hugh a deadpan look while Kakeru looks up and faces Tsubaki, confused. Tsubaki, on the other hand, finds himself unable to look at Kakeru.

Lily: *whispering to Hugh* Why'd you pick this moment to mention that?
Hugh: *whispers back while glancing at Tsubaki again and then at Lily* Because I can tell they're both in love with each other but Tsubaki can't keep this a secret forever. It's better for Kakeru to hear from Tsubaki himself instead of someone else.
Lily: That's true but this wasn't the right time...
Kakeru: Baki? What is it that your brother wants you to tell me?
Tsubaki: I- *looks at Kuro for help*
Kuro: *places a hand on his shoulder* It'll be okay, Tsubaki.
Tsubaki: *tries to relax and finally looks at Kakeru* The truth is... I- well, my brothers and I aren't human.
Kakeru: *blinks in surprise* What do you mean you're not human?
Tsubaki: *grows more nervous at that and looks down* I-It's nothing, forget I said it.
Kuro: Why don't we move on from that for now and play another round?

Tsubaki gives Kuro a thankful look while Hugh sighs lowly and turns to Kakeru, who was still confused about what he was just told. However, he doesn't question Tsubaki any further and nods in agreement.

Kakeru: Yeah, that's fine. *to Tsubaki* You don't have to explain right now, Baki. You can tell me whenever you're ready, okay?
Tsubaki: *relaxes slightly* O-Okay, thanks.
Kakeru: No problem, I can tell it's not something that you can easily talk about.
Hyde: *whispers to Licht* This guy may be a keeper for Tsubaki, don't you think, Lichtan?
Licht: *shrugs* Who knows?
Kuro: *hands Tsubaki my phone* Here, you can read the next statement. I have it up already for you. *mumbles lowly* I've got your back, little bro. No need to worry.
Tsubaki: *smiles at that and reads the statement* Never have I ever... been the subject of a rumor that wasn't true.

Seeing that most cups were empty, Mahiru grabbed a bottle of cabernet this time since it was less alcoholic than vodka was, pouring the drink for everyone. Once the cups were all filled, Kakeru, Lily and Hugh drank immediately.

Hugh: Why don't you start, Kakeru?
Tsubaki: *raises a brow at that* Dude, why are you targeting my boyfriend? Lily drank too and so did you. Why does he have to start? (And why did you force me into a situation to talk about what we really are?)
Hugh: Woah! No need to get defensive, bud.
Kakeru: *to Tsubaki* It's fine, babe. I can go first, it's not a problem. *to Hugh* Someone from my school spread a rumor about me and my sister a couple of years ago. Of course, they didn't know she was my sister but the rumor was that the two of us were dating.
Misono: For real?!
Tsubaki: I've met your sister and you both look alike. How'd someone come up with that assumption?
Kakeru: *shrugs* I don't know. But I shut that rumor down pretty quickly.
Mahiru: That's good. Did you ever find out who it was?
Kakeru: Unfortunately not. *turns to Hugh* Anyway, what about you? What rumor was spread about you?
Hugh: *in a casual tone* Nothing too serious. Just that I was plotting against my siblings, no big deal.
Iidio: *raises a slight brow* Was that really untrue though?
Hugh: Of course it was. If I wanted to slaughter you all, I would've done so already. Not even our Eves would have been spared. I would've just drained them all of their blood.

While everyone else just brushed off the comment Hugh made, Kakeru no longer felt safe hanging around the others. He grows extremely anxious and starts grabbing his jacket and hurriedly heading towards the door.

Kakeru: Uh, maybe I should go. It's getting late.
Tsubaki: *frowns at that but nods* Damn, okay... let me know when you get home, alright?
Kakeru: Yeah, sure will. I'll see ya. *walks out the door*
Misono: Uh... that was awkward.
Tetsu: You're telling me. *looks at Hugh* Why would you suddenly make that kind of comment?
Hugh: I was just testing him. Tsubaki clearly didn't want to tell him but that kid would find out sooner or later.
Tsubaki: *angry and hurt* You basically scared him off! What the hell?! How could you do that?!
Hugh: I'm just looking out for you, you know. We don't know anything about this guy. So- *gets cut off*
Tsubaki: *yelling loudly* So what?! You don't get to decide who I choose to be with!! If he starts avoiding me because of this, I'll never forgive you!! *storms towards the door and walks out*
Kuro: *sighs lowly* Mendokusē...

Meanwhile, a few blocks away...

Kakeru: (What the hell did I get myself into?! And why the hell was no one else bothered by that?! Are they insane?!)
Voice: You look like you've seen a ghost there.
Kakeru: *stops halfway and looks around* Who said that?
Voice: No need to concern yourself with who I am. What you need to know is that I can tell you everything about your little boyfriend.
Kakeru: How do you know about- why should I trust you?
Voice: You don't have to but... you want to know the truth, don't you?

A figure suddenly emerges from the shadows and heads towards Kakeru casually and as he walked by, they whispered lowly into his ear.

Voice: Your boyfriend's not human but a bloodsucking vampire. You should run while you can.
Kakeru: *widens his eyes and trembles in fear* What?
Voice: No need to fear... I can promise you protection but I'll need your help to get rid of him for good.
Kakeru: *slightly hesitant but still shaking in fear* I-I'll do it.
Voice: Great. I'll be reaching out to you again very soon. *walks away with an evil grin* (You'll be back in our hands soon, Melancholy.)

A/N: And... I'm gonna stop here. I know it's been almost two years since I last posted but I haven't felt too inspired to continue this for a long while. I'm now working part-time as well and things can get really stressful so this fanfic is still technically on hiatus. I also want to express my gratitude for those that have been reading this, even when I haven't updated in so long. I really appreciate your support. Apologies if this either seems rushed or is not the best, I haven't written anything in so long so it'll take time for me to get used to doing so again. I honestly don't know how I feel about this chapter myself. But Merry Christmas to you all :)

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