Never Have I Ever

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Sakuya: It's called Never Have I Ever. I heard all the kids at school talk about it.
Tetsu: Is that like a board game or something?
Sakuya: Actually, it's a card game, but I don't have the cards. But I did get the app on my phone.
Misono: What are the rules?
Sakuya: Hold on. Let me find out.

Sakuya takes out his phone and searches up the rules on Google then reads them aloud.

Sakuya: So basically, each person playing has to make a statement starting with 'Never have I ever...'. Then, if you haven't done what they said, you don't have to do anything. However, if you have done it, then...

Sakuya grabs his bag and takes out a big bottle of champagne and a pack of plastic cups. He sets them on the table and then continues reading the rest of the rules.

Sakuya: ...You'll have to drink a whole cup of that *points at the bottle* But, if no one drinks, then the person who said the statement has to.
Licht: So, it's basically a drinking game
Sakuya: Yeah, that's right
Mahiru: Hmm... I guess that could be fun.
Kuro: I've seen you drunk before, Mahiru... and it ain't pretty

Kuro then flashbacks to the first time Mahiru got drunk. He remembers Mahiru knocking down a bunch of glassware and breaking so many windows. Kuro shudders at the memory.

Hyde: You drank alcohol before, Mahiru?
Mahiru: No. I just ate some chocolates that Kuro bought for me.
Hyde: How'd you get drunk from just eating regular chocolate?
Kuro: They weren't regular chocolates, Hyde. Turns out that they were full of liquor.

While the three of them were talking, Tetsu soon remembered something important.

Tetsu: I can't have any champagne. I'm still underage.
Sakuya: Seriously? *sighs* I guess you don't have to play then...
Tetsu: No, I'll play. I'm only 18, but at least it's close to 20.
Sakuya: Alright. If you're really sure that you want to play, then go ahead.
Tsubaki: Um... Sakuya? Aren't you underage also?
Sakuya: I'm 19, but it's not that big of a difference. Besides, I've drank alcohol before. Is everyone playing?
Mahiru: Yeah. Let's play together okay, Kuro?
Kuro: Mendokusē 😩... You better not act crazy this time...
Hyde: Tenshi-chan, let's play too!!
Licht: Ugh, fine. If it'll make you shut up.
Hyde: Yay!!
Sakuya: I'll start setting up now.

Sakuya takes out thirteen cups and starts pouring champagne in every one. Once finished, Sakuya starts handing out all of the cups. However, I soon as Mikuni received his, he drank all of its contents in one gulp.

Sakuya: Mikuni!! Don't drink it yet!!
Mikuni: I couldn't help it!! I was thirsty!!
Sakuya: You could've just gotten some water or something.
Mikuni: If I asked my little brother to get it for me, he'd just ignore me
Sakuya: Why don't you just get it yourself?
Mikuni: I don't feel like getting up

Feeling slightly annoyed, Sakuya pours more champagne into Mikuni's cup. However, he doesn't give to him right away.

Sakuya: You better not drink it all this time.
Mikuni: Ugh, fine!!
Sakuya: Ok, now that I've gotten all that over with, let's start. Is everyone ready?
Everyone: Yep.
Sakuya: Now, let's have some real fun

Sakuya immediately starts smirking and sends slight chills down Kuro's back.

Kuro: Why do I feel like he's planning something?
Mahiru: I'm sure it's just all in your head, Kuro... Now, let's just try to enjoy the game.

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