Round 25

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A/N: Since Wrath and World End have official names now, 'Mari' and 'Soku' will be changed to 'Freya' and 'Iidio' in all future updates. Also, this was published before a year or two ago but I decided to rewrite it completely because I wasn't really happy with the old one.

Mahiru: Kuro, be nice. He's your brother's boyfriend after all.
Kuro: Mendokusē... he looks too much like someone I highly dislike.
Mahiru: Really? Who's that?
Most Servamps+Eves: (You've got to be kidding me... it's so damn obvious who he's talking about...)
Tsubaki: *frowns slightly at that* Nii-san, do you not like Kakeru?
Kuro: I don't hate the kid. He just looks similar to someone I want to punch in the face.
Mahiru: Kuro!!
Kuro: What? I'm being honest.
Lily: Maybe just a little bit too honest, Nii-san. This guy makes Tsubaki happy so let's not bring up anything that would ruin the mood, okay?
Kuro: *lets out a sigh at that* You're right...

At that, Kuro turns to face Kakeru, who was still standing by the door and holding Tsubaki's hand with a nervous look on his face.

Kuro: Kakeru, was it? I just want to apologize for the rude greeting earlier. I'm sure you're a nice guy so take good care of my brother, okay?
Kakeru: It's alright and I will, I promise.
Kuro: You better or I'm going to kick your ass.
Mahiru: Ku- I give up. *turns to face Kakeru as well* Don't mind my boyfriend, he's just very protective of his siblings.
Kakeru: Yeah, I know. Baki told me all about you guys on the phone earlier so I knew what to expect. I just didn't expect to look like someone my boyfriend's brother hates though.
Mahiru: I'm sure that's not true, Kakeru. Anyway, come in and have a seat.

Kakeru heads towards the table where everyone was at and takes the seat next to Tsubaki, which was the only seat that was unoccupied.

Hyde: *in a slight teasing tone* Well, aren't you lucky?~ The only available seat just happens to be right next to your boyfriend, Baki~
Lily: That is such a cute nickname for our little brother~

Embarrassed, Tsubaki covers his face with his hands while Kakeru messes with his hair nervously.

Mikuni: Look at that, even the most insane one out of all of us gets embarrassed~
Tsubaki: Shut up or I'll make you. Also, I'm not insane, thank you very much.
Mahiru: Don't go starting any fights, Tsubaki. I don't want my home to be destroyed... again.
Tsubaki: Fine, I won't. I don't want to pick a fight in front of Kakeru anyway.
Iidio: *raises a brow* That's it? No arguing or anything? Who are you and what have you done with my little brother?
Tsubaki: I'm just not in the mood to fight, okay? I already did with that asshole earlier so there's no point in wasting my energy on that pervert who likes to make out with dolls.
Mikuni: For the last fucking time, I DO NOT MAKE OUT WITH DOLLS!!
Licht: Then why are you so obsessed with that damn doll of yours? You won't let anyone touch it and if someone does, you'll accuse them of being perverted. No one can even look at it.
Tetsu: He's got a point. You have accused me, Mahiru, and probably Jeje as well of being a pervert before.
Mikuni: That doesn't prove that I make out with Abel!!

As soon as those words left Mikuni's mouth, Licht takes out his phone and puts on a short video of the antique owner, who was completely drunk as he kissed Abel on the lips continuously (A/N: Licht first mentioned this in Chapter 6).

Hyde: *smirking* There's your proof~ Lichtan and I saw you do this with our very own eyes but we knew you'd deny it so I filmed it~
Tsurugi: *slightly jealous* You sure kissed that doll longer than you've ever kissed me, Kuni-chan... do I have to rip that thing to shreds before you love me more than her?
Mikuni: I was drunk!! It's not like I kiss Abel on a daily basis!!
Jeje: Riiiight... it's not like you've kissed that doll while imagining that your boyfriend was the doll instead or anything.
Mikuni: *turns red from embarrassment* Jeje!! What the hell?!
Misono: And you wonder why I never tell anyone that you're my brother.
Kakeru: Wait, seriously? You two are related?!
Misono: Unfortunately... *sighs and turns to Mahiru* Can we get on with our game now? I think I've been embarrassed enough for one day.
Mahiru: Yeah but are you sure you want Mikuni-san around alcohol?
Tsurugi: *grabs Mikuni's arm and drags him out the door*
Mahiru: Well... that works. Anyway, the next statement is: Never have I ever... recorded a video of myself singing or dancing.

Kuro, Hyde, Lily and Tsubaki pick up their cups and downs the rest of the vodka that was left.

Hyde: Nii-san and I did a dance video together but all I'm gonna say is that Nii-san's got some moves~
Kuro: Mendokusē... How do you always get me to agree to do all these things?
Hyde: I made you ramen, remember? You said yes instantly after I gave you a bag of chips as well.
Kuro: Oh yeah... It was pretty good.
Mahiru: Do you still have the video? I'm pretty curious now~ *winks at Ash*
Kuro: *looks away, embarrassed*
Hyde: Oh, it's on YouTube.
Kuro: Wait what? You posted it online? I thought I told you not to.
Hyde: But it was so good, Nii-san!! I had to!!
Lily: Misono posted mine too so you guys can check it out~ I promise I didn't strip~
Kakeru: You guys sure are a weird but fun bunch... Oh but Tsubaki, what did you record?
Tsubaki: Well it's not a dancing video like the other three but I sang a song that I wrote. It's okay, I guess.
Hugh: Okay?! It sounded great! Give yourself more credit.
Kakeru: Can you sing for me, Baki? Please?
Tsubaki: My throat always hurts after I sing but if you really wanna hear me sing, I'll do it. For you...~
Kakeru: Yay!! I can't wait to hear your pretty voice!!
Tsubaki: Mahiru, can I have some water?
Mahiru: *nods and grabs a water bottle*
Tsubaki: *takes it and takes a few sips* Alright, you ready?
Kakeru: Hell yeah I am!!

Tsubaki sets the bottle down and takes a deep breath before singing.

A/N: Welp, I'm gonna end it right here. It's been two years since I discontinued this fanfic so if it's not as good as the previous chapters, I apologize. Also, for those who are wondering what Kakeru looks like and/or are curious about the videos or songs that were mentioned, I have attached an image and video titles below:

Kuro+Hyde: Servamp MMD Suicide Parade/スーサイドパレヱド Kuro and Lawless
Lily: Servamp MMD Unknown Mother-Goose/アンノウンマザーグース Lily

Kakeru (not exact but similar to this appearance):

**I do not own or claim credit for anything that I have included here

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**I do not own or claim credit for anything that I have included here. All credits go to flippyfunclub on DeviantArt for the image and クロウリー for the two servamp MMDs that I have listed (they don't want their videos re-uploaded and I will respect their wishes)**

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