Round 15

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I'm finally on spring break so I have a lot more time to update...

The next day, both Mikuni and Tsurugi woke up with bad hangovers.

Tsurugi: Ugh, my head hurts...
Mikuni: Same here. Also, every part of my body aches.
Tsurugi: What exactly happened last night?
Mikuni: I don't know. I can't remember.
Jeje: The two of you fucked eachother.
Mikuni+Tsurugi: WHAT 😲?!
Jeje: You guys were moaning a lot too, especially Tsurugi.
Tsurugi: Oh god 😓...
Mikuni: Wait a minute, why the hell were you in my room anyway when we were... *trails off*

Jeje transforms back to his human form.

Jeje: I was taking a nap in there, but I wasn't expecting you guys to have sex on top of me.
Tsurugi: Now that you mention it, I saw this weird scaly thing on the bed yesterday. Didn't know it was you though.

Ring, ring, ring!!

Mikuni: Oh, it's my lil bro. *on the phone* Hey, what's up? At your place? Um...sure. Can I bring Tsurugi with me? Cool!! See you then!! *hangs up*
Jeje: He wants to us to hang out with him and the others again?
Mikuni: Yeah.

Mikuni grabs some clothes from the closet and tosses it on the bed.

Mikuni: *to Tsurugi* Oh yeah, Misono said that you could come too.
Tsurugi: Really? Don't they hate me though?
Mikuni: It's been four years already. I'm pretty sure they've forgotten about it by now.
Tsurugi: If you say so.

Thirty minutes later, at Misono's place...

Tetsu: So, how'd the date go?
Mikuni: It was okay.
Licht: What'd you guys do?
Tsurugi: He just took me to see "The Notebook" and then we got some pizza.
Mahiru: I went with Kuro to see that movie last week. It was pretty sad.  Even Kuro shedded a few tears.

Everyone turns to Kuro, who avoided their gaze.

Kuro: *embarrassed* Mukiaenē...
Sakuya: I finished setting up everything. So, wanna start the next round?
Mari: What round are we on?
Sakuya: Um...15, I think.
Tsubaki: Ooh, I found a pretty good statement. Can I read it?
Sakuya: Sure. Why not?
Tsubaki: Never have I ever...lied about being a virgin.

Jeje and Tsurugi drank from their cups.

Mikuni: Yesterday wasn't your first time, Tsu~Tsu?
Tsurugi: *whispers* No.
Mikuni: You wanna talk about it?
Tsurugi: No. At least...not right now.
Mikuni: Alright.
Misono: Wait, yesterday? Did you two actually...

Both Mikuni and Tsurugi nodded their heads.

Tetsu: How was it?
Misono: Wtf? Tetsu, don't ask them that!! *sighs* Why did I fall in love with you?
Tetsu: Cuz I'm so damn sexy.
Mikuni: Anyway....Jeje, who did you have sex with?
Jeje: *mumbles* Your mom.
Misono+Mikuni: NANI?!

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