Round 1

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NOTE: I am not coming up with these statements myself. They all come from the NHIE app

Sakuya opens the app and enters everyone's names. Well, everyone's except The Mother's...

Sakuya: Do you have a name?
The Mother: No, it's just The Mother.
Hyde: Do you want me to give you a name?
The Mother: As long as it doesn't turn out like World End's. (Thanks to Hyde, World End's name is Wor-Kun)

Hyde grabs a piece of paper and a pen and starts writing down names that he thinks would suit her. In the end, he wrote a total of 6 names. They were: Olivia, Akari (light or glimmer), Shizuka (quiet), Ayame (iris flower), Makoto (sincere, true) and Mari (obstinacy, rebelliousness).

Hyde: So, which one's your favorite?
The Mother: Those are all pretty good. I can't choose... What do you guys think?
Licht: I think Mari's a good name for her. She seems like the rebellious type.
Misono: I like Olivia. I don't know why but it just sounds nice.
Kuro: I agree with the baiorensu tenshi. Mari suits her pretty well...
The Mother: Mari it is then.

Sakuya enters The Mother's name as Mari and reads the first statement.

Sakuya: Never have I ever... hooked up with someone that is in this room

Mahiru, Kuro, Licht, Hyde, Misono and Tetsu start drinking their first cup of champagne.

Mari: That was almost half of the group. So, who's dating who?
Mahiru: I'm with Kuro, Licht's with Hyde and Misono is with Tetsu.
Mari: Seriously? I didn't think nii san and Lawless would even be into boys.

Kuro and Hyde immediately look away, feeling embarassed. Meanwhile, Sakuya starts pouring more champagne for Mahiru and the other five who had to drink earlier.

Sakuya: Normally, people would also ask the players who drank to tell them exactly what happened. But since we already know how the six of you got together, we'll skip that part.
Mari: But I want to know the story behind their relationships
Sakuya: *groans* Fine!!
Mari: Licht, why don't you go first?
Licht: I basically confessed to the shit rat after accidentally hurting his feelings four years ago then we started going out. Nothing special...
Mari: Shit rat? *to Hyde* You let him call you that?
Hyde: I don't mind. Besides. I always call him Lichtan and it annoys him
Mari: Um... okay... *to Tetsu* How about you?
Tetsu: My relationship with Misono had a pretty rocky start due to a misunderstanding and I broke up with him...

Tetsu flashbacks to when he broke up with Misono out of anger and immediately regretted afterwards. (From Servamp Truth or Dare) Not wanting to think about it anymore, he shook the memory away.

Mari: Really? Then, what happened?
Tetsu:I confessed to him at Mahiru aniki's house and we've been going out ever since. Sorry if that seems pretty lame...
Mari: It was okay, didn't expect anything else from an eighteen year old. *to Kuro* What about your relationship, nii san?

Kuro was about to open his mouth when Sakuya clears his throat and interrupts him.

Sakuya: Alright, that's enough. We're not talking about this anymore!!
Mari: Why not?
Kuro: He's just jealous that I got Mahiru and he didn't, Mari.
Sakuya: Why you....

Sakuya tries to spill champagne on Kuro, but it gets on Mahiru instead.

Sakuya: Omg, Mahiru!! I'm so sorry.
Mahiru: Don't worry about it. I can just wash the shirt when I get home.
Sakuya: You sure? I have an extra shirt you could wear...
Mahiru: Really, it's fine
Sakuya: If you change your mind though, let me know

Sakuya tries to ignore the glare that Kuro was giving him while he is pouring more champagne into his cup.
He then turns to Tetsu.

Sakuya: Hey kid, you feeling drunk yet?
Tetsu: Not really
Sakuya: Let me know if you start to feel light headed though, alright?
Tetsu: Ok, I will
Sakuya: So, who's ready for round 2?

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