Reunited Part 2

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Meanwhile at Misono's house, a certain purple haired boy is impatiently tapping his shoes on the floor.

Misono: Where the hell is Licht?!
Tetsu: I'm sure he's on his way here now, Misono...
"Ding dong!!"
Misono: Lily, get the door!!

Lily walks over to the door and opens it. Standing right in front of him was the denpa angel himself.

Misono: You're late!!
Licht: Sorry. I was busy getting reacquainted with someone.

Licht moves out of the doorway and points at a tall brown haired boy wearing a familiar looking orange outfit. However, no one recognized who that person was.

Misono+Tetsu: Um... who are you?
Licht: You guys don't remember him?
Sakuya: No. Did we meet him before?
Licht: He was our best friend, you guys!!
Misono: Sorry... I can't remember... *to Mahiru* What's your name?

Kuro couldn't stay quiet anymore. He hated the fact that the people that Mahiru called his friends didn't even remember who he was. So, he jumped out of Mahiru's bag and transforms to his normal form.

Kuro: Who the hell do you think he is, morons?!
Sakuya: Sloth?! *looks at Mahiru* Then, that means...

Tetsu looks at the boy standing at the door for about a minute and then it hit him.

Tetsu: Mahiru aniki?!
Misono: No way!! That's really Shirota?!
Mahiru: Um... hey guys!! How've you been?
Tetsu: It really is Mahiru aniki!! You're so tall now!!
Mahiru: 😅😅 Not as tall as you though. You still dating Misono?

Tetsu starts to blush tomato red and quickly looks away from Mahiru but still nodded as an answer. Meanwhile, Sakuya runs over to Mahiru and gave him a big hug.

Sakuya: Mahiru!! I've missed you so much!!
Mahiru: I missed you too, Sakuya

Kuro couldn't stand to look at the scene in front of him. So, he did the only thing he could think of. He flung Sakuya off of Mahiru and onto the couch.

Sakuya: 😓😓 You guys are still dating, aren't you?
Kuro: Yep, so stay away from him!!
Mahiru: Kuro...
Sakuya: It's fine, Mahiru. Besides, I've gotten over my little crush on you.
Everyone: Nani 😲?!
Hyde: Since when?
Sakuya: Well...
Lily: You were lying, weren't you?
Sakuya: N-no, I wasn't. I...

Sakuya looks away from everyone and tries to come up with the perfect lie. Tsubaki noticed and decided to come up with one for him.

Tsubaki: He fell in love with me 😉!!
Sakuya: Uh, yeah. That's right. Me and Tsubaki are an item now!!
Kuro: *skeptical* Really? Then, why don't the two of you guys kiss... right now?
Tsubaki+Sakuya: 😷
Kuro: *smirking* What's the matter, guys? You look disgusted...
Tsubaki+Sakuya: W-what?! No we don't!!
Kuro: Oh really? Then, why don't you just kiss him then?
Sakuya: Fine!!

Sakuya plants a quick kiss on Tsubaki's cheek and turns around to wipe his mouth with his sleeve.

Sakuya: There! You satisfied?
Kuro: That doesn't count!! I meant on the lips
Tsubaki: 😵😵
Sakuya: I-I'm not doing that!!
Kuro: I guess you were lying about liking Tsubaki then...
Sakuya: T-That doesn't prove anything!!
Kuro: Yes it does
Sakuya: No it doesn't!!
Misono: Enough!! You're too loud!!
Mikuni: So... why'd you invite me over, little bro?
Licht: Yeah. Your message said something about a meetup.
Misono: It did?
Tetsu: Yeah, it says so right here. Take a look.

Misono takes the phone from Tetsu and read the message carefully. Once he sees the mistake he made, he smacked his forehead.

Misono: Sorry, it was a typo. It was actually supposed to say, "Meet up at my house"
Lily: You confused meet up with meetup, Misono?
Misono: Urusee na. I was in a rush.

Tetsu takes back his phone and soon notices another mistake that Misono had missed.

Tetsu: Um... Misono? Mahiru aniki isn't included in this chat...
Misono: What? Of course he is!!
Sakuya: Now that you mention it, Misono was only wondering where Licht was before, not Mahiru.
Misono: *slightly annoyed* Like I said, I was in a rush okay 😒!!
Hyde: You didn't seem to forget to invite nii san though...
Misono: *snaps* Enough already!!
Kuro: Did you not want to invite Mahiru, Kisama chan?
Misono: I----- *got cut off*
Mahiru: It's okay, Misono. I know it was just an honest mistake.
Misono: Shirota... *clears his throat* I've called you guys here because I wanted to see you guys again 😶... *looks away, embarassed*
Jeje: Even the "Bastard"? *points at Mikuni*
Mikuni: You're so mean, Jeje!!
Misono: Yeah... even my brother...
Sakuya: You know something, chibi? I was pretty surprised when you invited me and Tsubaki as well. I thought you hated us.
Misono: Don't get the wrong idea. I only invited you because I felt like it, not because I think of you two as friends or anything.
Hyde: So... now that we're all here, what did you want to do?
Lily: *whispers* Not everyone is here yet...
Tetsu: Really? Who else is there?
"Ding dong!!"
Misono: Lily, you know what to do....
Lily: Do I have to?
Misono: Yes!! Now go!!

Shaking, Lily walks over to the door once again and reluctantly opens it. There is a purple haired woman with red eyes at the door.

The Mother: Yo!!
Kuro: Oh, it's you. Hisashiburi (long time no see)...
The Mother: Likewise, nii san. *notices Tsubaki* Who's that?
Tsubaki: I'm the servamp of Melancholy, Tsubaki.
The Mother: Never heard of you before
Tsubaki: *winces* That kind of hurt... but it's not surprising...
The Mother: *to Kuro* Is he really our youngest brother, nii san?
Kuro: *nods* I don't want to believe it myself, but he is.
The Mother: I guess it can't be helped... *turns to Lily* How come you didn't tell me about him when we saw eachother earlier?
Lily: *shaking* Um... well...
The Mother: Never mind. I'm not mad.
Mahiru: *to Misono* So, what did you want to do?
Misono: 😅😅 I uh... don't know...
Sakuya: Well, there's one game I think we could play...
Everyone: What is it?

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