Round 18

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Lily: I can't believe that Mahiru, out of all people, is a yandere...
Tetsu: Neither can I.
Misono: *to Sakuya* Do you know how Shirota killed those people?
Sakuya: He...uh...shot them continuously.
Hyde: Even after they died?
Sakuya: *nods his head* He didn't stop until their whole body was covered in blood.

Everyone tried to picture Mahiru doing exactly what Sakuya said and as a result, they all started to shake in fear.

Misono: I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all tonight.
Hyde: Me neither. That twisted smile on his face gave me the chills 😨
Tsubaki: I'm actually scared of nii san's eve now. What if he decides to kill us one day?!
Lily: That'll never happen....right?
Mahiru: Hey guys
Tetsu: *startled* Mahiru aniki?!
Licht: When'd you get here?
Mahiru: Just now. Why?
Licht: No reason.

Awkward silence.

Sakuya: Anyway, where's Kuro?
Mahiru: At home. He got himself drunk again.
Sakuya: I see. So, what's in the bag?
Mahiru: Oh this? I baked a bunch of brownies for you guys to eat later.
Hyde: They look delicious!!
Licht: Don't drool on them, shit rat.
Mahiru: *to Hyde* You can have one now if you want.

Hyde eagerly reaches for a brownie.

Hyde: Itadakimasu *takes a bite* Ugh, it's awful 😷!!
Licht: *kicks Hyde* Don't be rude!!
Hyde: I'm just being honest.
Misono: Mahiru bakes really well. Are you sure your tastebuds aren't just messed up or something?

Tetsu and Misono grab a brownie and take a bite. Two seconds later, they are spitting it out.

Misono: *to Mahiru* I hate to be mean, but Hyde's right. This brownie doesn't really taste good.
Mahiru: That's because Mahiru didn't make them. I did.
Licht: Um, why are you referring to yourself in the third person?
Mahiru: What a pain...

Mahiru removes his...wig?!

Hyde: Icy blue hair...NII SAN?!
Kuro: Yo.
Misono: Two questions: Why are you dressed like Shirota and why'd you bake brownies for us?
Kuro: Because I felt like it.
Sakuya: Is that your answer to the first question or the second one?
Kuro: Both.
Tetsu: Well, that explains why these brownies taste like shit.
Misono: Couldn't you have said that in a nicer way?
Tetsu: I was going to, but that was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

Kuro grabs the container of brownies and throws them out.

Lily: You shouldn't waste food like that, nii san!! You know, some people don't... *gets cut off*
Kuro: Please don't give me that speech again. I've heard it thousands of times already.
Lily: Alright.
Mikuni: I'm bored...
Misono: Go hang out with your beloved Tsurugi then. Or should I say *imitates Mikuni* Tsu~Tsu?

Mikuni's cheeks turn bright pink.

Mikuni: I would but he's extremely busy. Also, how'd you know that I call him that?
Misono: You accidently butt-dialed me when you and him were having sex.
Mikuni: What?!
Misono: You guys sure do moan a lot.
Licht: So does Hyde.
Hyde: *embarrassed* No, I don't.
Licht: I even have a voice recording. Always manages to turn me on whenever I play it.

Two minutes later...

Hyde: I'm sorry, Licht. I promise I'll buy you a new one.
Licht: It's fine. The damage isn't that bad. I could just get it repaired.
Sakuya: Now that that's over, let's play one last round for today.
Kuro: Can it be quick? I still need to check on Mahiru.
Sakuya: Since you're in such a rush, you read the statement then.
Kuro: Mendokusē. *looks at phone* Never have I ever...eaten a bug.

Tsubaki, Hyde and Mikuni drank from their cups.

Hyde: It's not like I wanted to eat it or anything. Guil and the other subclasses put ants in my sandwich as a prank.
Licht: Did you finish the whole thing?
Hyde: Of course not!! I took a bite, saw the ants and threw it out. Anyway, what's your story, Tsubaki?
Tsubaki: It's pretty similar to yours actually. Sakuya put bugs in my cereal box as a prank. I didn't notice though because I was still half asleep.
Sakuya: That look on your face when you found out that you ate about like thirty bugs was priceless.
Lily: THIRTY?!
Tsubaki: You better watch yourself, Sakuya. I could still get you back, you know.
Sakuya: I'd like to see you try.

The next morning, at Sakuya's place....

Sakuya: TSUBAKI!!!!
Tsubaki: I'm glad you like your worm bed.
Sakuya: Screw you!! Go to hell!!

We are now at 3k!! Thank you all so much for always reading, voting and commenting. I wouldn't have made it up to this point if it wasn't for you guys...

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