At the start

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Happy, now there is a word
Looking at the clock Liam noticed it was 6am he hadn't slept, he knew he needed too but over the last few month he'd either sleep all day or not sleep at all. He knew it was another day of interviews, photo shoots and meetings, the meetings were the most boring things ever. He knew he'd have to get up, get ready and become Liam Gallagher of oasis crazy, funny, hyper, loud and arrogant the perfect rock star, the one some people loved and others hated. Of course there was that side of him the side of him that everyone expected, the side he'd had all his life even before oasis made it, even when he was a child that drove his family mad, but there was also a side he hid, that side he made sure no one ever saw and that was the mood he was in today depressed, scared, unsure of himself, lonely, hating who he was, wanting to hurt himself, just downright feeling awful. He'd never seen a doctor about it why would he that's not what guys like him did but knew he should, he kinda had a month ago as he went for a ear infection and the dr asked if he was stressed he said yes and was given a prescription with no other questions asked but really he should go for this as the jumping around from crazy, happy, feeling invincible, angry, mad at everything, violent, depressed, suicidal, empty, alone and god knows what else was beginning to get out of hand it was all the time he couldn't stop it and didn't know how, but he just couldn't, it seemed wrong, him a working class, football loving, council estate guy asking for help with feelings it just wasn't right.
It had always been there since he was a kid. He first noticed when he kept switching between wanting to be a good boy, the perfect student, get top marks and be nice to everyone, wanting to please everyone then he was the bad boy, skipping school, getting into fights, not caring about school work, smoking dope, not giving a shit about anyone but himself and was nasty to everyone. Then the hyper times and the low times, the feeling of not even being in his own head, the disassociation. People said he was just a hyper child, they blamed the problems he was having at home, said he just wasn't paying attention because he didn't care, they said he was spoiled as he was the youngest child, then they kicked him out of school, they treated him as a lost course so He just got on with things best way he could. He never held a job as he was unreliable, refused to do things, didn't turn up cos he couldn't get out of bed, turned up high, argued with people, got lost in himself, felt so bad he'd injure himself on purpose and a million other things.
But now being in oasis, being in the biggest band in the uk, being famous it was all playing out with everyone watching, he had free rain to do what he liked, normal rules didn't count, his craziness was just accepted. the press followed him everywhere and interviews could get dodgy he could pretty much say whatever he liked and no one stopped him except Noel but that was Noel. Plus the ability to drink whenever he wanted normal drinking times didn't count he could have vodka for breakfast if he wanted and the drugs being so easily available he didn't even have to pay for them he either just asked or they were just there so things could get crazy or shit pretty quickly, the regular getting into fights or saying he fell or something while drunk was a perfect excuse for his self inflicted injuries, nobody questioned it. People would just say "that's Liam"
He pulled himself out of bed, he looked out of the window not a very good idea as now he was thinking of jumping out of it.
Slowly he got ready, he was sure tracksuit bottoms and a tshirt would do the band never really dressed up no need to really.
Sitting on the bed Liam lit a cigarette and began to think about everything his life, his past, his friends, his family, oasis, the interviews, meetings, Noel, just about everything really. His head was spinning He knew it was going to be a bad day.
Right he thought I better get ready! The NME interview was at 9 which seems stupid anyway who the hell actually thinks he'd be up that early he's Liam Gallagher for god sake, there it is again the expectations, the image to live up to, the idea everyone has about him. But never mind here goes he found his trainers, grabbed a jacket and headed downstairs all the way telling himself to live it up, be the 'mad for it' Gallagher people love but deep down he just felt empty, like his head was somewhere else and his body was just going through the motions.
In the lift he just kept repeating keep it up, keep it up over and over in his head he knew the interview was about a hour then he had 2 hours free before the photo shoot but then after a half hour break it was a full 4 hours of meetings. He never understood why he had to go Noel looked after all that side of things the important stuff like contracts, money, shedualing, anything official. He was better at that sort of thing and seemed to actually enjoy it Noel liked being the boss and anyway Liam was only the singer what did people expect him to know about all the other stuff his role was Simple show up and sing, look good and give exciting interviews ,so simple, so much fun people would kill for a life like this. He had it and still he hated it, well what am supposed to do I wanted this life, I dreamt of it, I fought for it I can't just come out and say I'm not happy I don't like it. But he also loved it, couldn't believe he'd actually got it, loved preforming, loved how people saw the band, enjoyed winding people up, but anyway here goes.
He got down to the hotel lobby in time to see Noel and the journalist heading into the bar area, sadly the bar wasn't open yet so it was just coffee, water and orange juice. The interview was for a guitar magazine so it would mostly be Noel talking so Liam could relax, he sat down next to Noel who was already in conversation about his Gibson, the interviewer noticed Liam take a seat "hi Liam I'm Chris, I'm just gonna chat with ya brother about guitars for a bit but we will also be talking general band stuff and your singing a bit later" "ok whatever I'm here when you want me" Liam realised he sounded a lot nicer than normal the first half hour dragged on but once they started talking about general stuff and Liam's singing the time flew by, next was a short solo interview for a music magazine then 2 hours to kill before the photo shoot, he decided to get something to eat. The photo shoot was out the back of the hotel so at least it was outside but as usual it was a hour of stand there, look here, etc after Liam decided to go back to his room for 10 minutes of peace and quiet. He'd just been lying on his bed for what seemed like only a few minutes but he realised it had actually been 20 and he was 10 minutes late for the meeting "shit" he shouted and quickly put his shoes back on, checked the bit of paper Noel had given him with room numbers and times on and ran out the door to the lift, fuck Noel was gonna kill him.

A image can cover so much pain (oasis/Liam Gallagher) Where stories live. Discover now