Here We Go

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Liam and Bonehead moved to the table Noel had indicated and ordered some drinks, bonehead was already quite drunk and Liam could tell he was also in the mood for a bit of fun.
"So Liam how we gonna play this? Bit of the usual then have a bit of fun?"
"Aye bit of the usual so the guy at least has something. Then definitely some fun, I'm mad ready for it me, thank fuck you are too"
Bonehead looked over in Noel, looked back at Liam and winked.
The journalists arrived a few minutes later, they both went over to Noel, one sat beside him and he pointed the other over to Liam and bonehead's table.
"Hi guys Noel said I'm interviewing you two, I'm Chris"
"Heellloooww Chris. Want a drink?"
Liam always offered a drink to new interviews. They would need it.
"Em yeah I'll just have a pint thanks"
Bonehead ordered another round along with a bottle of champagne.
Liam looked over at Noel, he was deep in conversation already probably about guitars, songwriting, how talented he was and all the other gadgets, pedals and maybe a bit of a bitch about blur, thing's were heating up again on that front. Liam couldn't be arsed with all that shit all he needed was a microphone and a tambourine and he was sorted. He was the singer, that was his job. Though Noel had been muscling in on that lately much to Liam's annoyance. So as long as he sang and looked really fucking cool he was happy.
They started the interview talking about the album and current tour dates, about the rescheduling of them, Liam stuck to the whole he was ill bullshit. Then the usual reputation stuff, Noel and Liam's relationship, the band in general and their rivalry with blur, which due to him being drunk became a big rant about how much of a dick Damon was. Liam was starting to get bored they had been drinking throughout the interview so their voices were getting louder and there was lots of little giggling fits and bad jokes which by this point were mainly about Noel.
Chris realised the interview was starting to go off track. Usually he could handle interviewing a band when they were drunk but this was a whole different ball game, he'd heard what they were like, people had warned him but he thought people were being a bit over dramatic, that they couldn't be as bad as people said, blur used to be known as the most drunken band in the country and he had been able to handle them but now the subject matter had gone off track and he couldn't seem to bring it back on track, they were talking random crap, and that drunk and loud that Noel was bound to hear the jokes, the insults and general trash talk. He was bound to come over and that's one thing Chris really didn't want to happen, he was quickly trying to think of some way to control the situation but then...
Liam really was getting restless so decided to have some fun. He stood up and climbed on the table, picked up a bottle of champagne and began being silly, stupid faces and dances, the table began to shake so everyone tried to hold it steady Chris realised things were so outa control he had no hope of pulling it back but never mind it would still make a great story.
Liam decided he should go and see Noel, see what shit he was talking. Then he thought hey wouldn't it be a good idea to just walk across the tables, so off he went table to table not caring what he knocked over or if people were sitting at the tables. As soon as he started Noel started shouting.
"What the fuck you doing? Get the fuck down. Mad bastard. Fucking idiot"
Liam got to the table next to Noel's and fell off the end of it and started laughing.
Getting up he went and sat at Noel's table, he could tell from Noel's face he was pissed off, Liam didn't care he loved winding Noel up
"So what shit you talking about? Is he boring you to fuck? Fucking boring cunt he is"
The journalist didn't know what to say, he was probably scared of getting involved
"Fuck off an do ya own interview, go talk your own shit and leave the sensible stuff to me"
"Think I'm stupid do ya well I'm not"
"Just go an talk ya own shit will ya"
"My interview will be so much better an interesting than yours"
"People only publish yours cos they like you making a fool of yourself"
Liam looked at the journalist, he obviously didn't know if they should record this and include it in the interview.
He turned to Noel
"Fuck off you cunt"
And he danced back over to his table
"Sorry I just fancied annoying Noel"
They continued the interview and wrapped it all up in about twenty minutes. After both interviews finished and the journalists left, Bonehead ordered more drinks, Liam popped to the toilets to top up on coke. He was ready to party he'd missed it, he missed being Liam Gallagher. Suddenly he felt a smack to the back of his head.
"What the fuck"
He looked up to see Noel standing there, obviously pissed off, he was in for it now.
"You're a fucking idiot you know that right, I'm sick of it. The press are just writing about the crazy shit you do, about our relationship. It's not about the music anymore, I'm the only one who talks about that, actually talk about it properly not just saying we're the best band in the world."
"Oh come on Noel the press are raving about the new album, they're talking about the music, the lyrics, they're saying the songs are amazing, how talented you are. So give over the craziness gives everything another side, the music and the image it's what makes us the best band in the world"
"Wow you strung more than one sentence together. I'm impressed"
Liam hated it when Noel put him down like that especially when he said something nice.
"Just fuck off Noel I can't be bothered"
"Be at sound check on time"
With that Noel walked off.
Liam was just in such a manic mood it felt like he had been locked in a cage for weeks and now he was free, free to do what he wanted with no responsibilities or anything so he was gonna make the most of it. He sat back down and ordered another round.
"We've got two hours till sound check, I've just been told a bit more about the party obviously it's a industry thing so there'll be a few different types there but apparently Damon and Alex have been invited so that should be good"
Bonehead said, smiling at Liam. This party was going to be great, a chance for Liam and Damon to get at each other and have a good fight. Plus Noel would go daft at Liam started a fight and Liam quite liked the idea of that. Now that he was here, that he was on tour, that he was free he really was gonna make the most of it. He didn't care what Noel thought, he didn't care what anyone thought, he was gonna have fun he deserved it, he needed it. So fuck Noel.
Time disappeared so quick it seemed like they'd only been sitting for ten minutes and it was time to head to sound check.
Liam always got bored at sound checks, the others had their instruments to faff on with all he had to do is a bit of singing to check the mic levels and he was done, it only took like ten minutes the rest of them could faff for hours.
He turned up sung half of live forever and half of rock and roll star, got the thumbs up for the level
"Right that's great Liam sounds perfect here, sound ok on stage?"
The band all agreed and that was that he was finished. He headed to the dressing room to chill out and have a drink, he knew the others would join him once they'd finished.
He entered the dressing room and grabbed a drink, no one else was around so his mind began to wander. Maybe he should ring his mam, check everything was ok but he couldn't really do it when he was really pissed god knows what he'd say. Really he should cut down on alcohol, probably the drugs too. He had responsibilities now, responsibilities he really didn't want, if he was really honest with himself he wanted the whole thing to go away, everything back to the way it used to be. The whole situation was driving him mad. He was angry people just expected him to change how he was, who he was. They expected him to do it instantly. Well he didn't want to change, he liked who he was, he liked fame and everything that came with it, the parties, the alcohol, the drugs, playing gigs, doing tours. He liked being able to run around doing crazy shit, the groupies who lined up for him, being able to spend shit loads of money on stupid stuff. Why would he give that up.
He got up and punched the wall then he sat down and decided he wasn't gonna give any of it up and  fuck what anyone else thought.
He had just sat down with another drink when the rest of them walked in.

**currently having a bit of writer's block with this but I promise I'll be back to it soon**

"You getting pissed already?"
Asked bonehead
"What's it to you I'm sure you were just about to get a drink, it's not like it makes any difference to the gig we still put on a good show"
"True but you have to make sure you make it to the party cos that's gonna be fun"
They both started laughing Noel just rolled his eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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