11 || Secret Revealed

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(Maya's P

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(Maya's P.O.V)

Mal and I were walking all over the school trying to find Evie as Mal was currently panicking about Ben asking her out on a date.

"Mal looks, over there," I say as I point at Evie who is sitting next to Doug.

"There you are! We have been looking for you literally everywhere!" Mal says as we walk toward where Evie and Dough are sitting.

"What's wrong?" Evie asks.

"Ben just asked me out on...a date," Mal answers before huffing.

"We can handle this. Bye." Evie says as she stands and walks to Mal and me.

"Bye," Dough says as we start walking back to our dorm.

"You're looking a little pale," Evie says as she looks at Mal's face

"Yeah, of course," Mal states.

"I can fix that with some gloss and some blush," I explain.

"No!" Mal says.

"Mal, I can use the..." Evie tries.

"No, no, no," Mal states.

We make it to the dorm and I start looking through clothes to find for Mal to wear on her date as she never had a boyfriend before when she was on the isle. "Here, get dressed," I told Mal and shoved the clothes to her.

"Nice choice of clothes, Maya," Evie says once Mal is done changing.

"Okay. Easy on the blush. I don't want to scare him away. Not that I could." Mal states as Evie applies some blush onto Mal's cheeks.

"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk. Always use upward strokes." Evie explains.

"My mom was never really big on makeup tips," Mal says.

"I never had a sister," Evie says trying to make Mal feel better.

"Well, now you do. We're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off." I tell Evie as I try to comfort her.

"My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way. Just ask Snow White." Evie explains.

"Are you afraid of her?" Mal asks.

"Sometimes. Are you both afraid of your mom?" Evie asks us.

"I just really want her to be proud of us. She gets so angry with us when we disappoint her." Mal explains.

"And sh... yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves us... In her own way." I added on.

"Moving on. Come see." Evie says as she gets Mal to stand up.

"Are we done?" Mal asks.

"Yeah," I answer as Evie stops her in front of the mirror.

"Oh," Mal says as she looks at herself.

"I know," Evie says happily.

"I look..." Mal trails off.

"Say it," I tell her.

"Not hideous." She states.

"Not even close," Evie adds. Then there was a knock on the door.

Mal went to open the door while Evie and I giggled at each other.

"For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful. I hope you like bikes." Ben says as he holds up two helmets. They then walked off and I went to close the door with a smile before turning to Evie.

"So, you and Dough huh?" I say as I tease Evie a little.

"I don't know about that, he makes me feel special. He's the first person that doesn't judge me and accepts me for who I am." Evie explains.

"You should go for it, you guys will make a cute couple," I told her while giggling.

"Really, well enough of me, what about you?" Evie asks as she sits closer to me.

"What about me?" I ask her trying to avoid the topic as I know that if I told her about Harry she would not be mad at me but I just didn't want any of the Vks to know about our relationship.

"Has anyone caught your eye? Like anyone, not even a certain prince here?" Evie questions while I started blushing as thought about Harry. "No way! You like someone. Do I know him, does Mal knows him? For how long?" Evie asked me a lot of questions which caused me to blush even more.

"It's kinda not a crush, more like....dating?" I say while trying to avoid eye contact with Evie.

"Omg, shut up. Who's the lucky guy, you gotta give me a name. Please!!!" Evie says as she tries to get answers from me.

"Noo I can't. I wish I could but I promise him that we'll keep our relationship a secret." I say as I fiddle with Harry's bracelet on my wrist. Soon Evie saw that I was playing with my bracelet but when she looked at the color of the bracelet she was shocked to see that the bracelet was red and how familiar it looked.

She soon figured out who the boy I was dating was, "Omg it can't be!" Evie says after thinking about it for a while.

"You are dating Harry Hook!" Evie exclaims.

When I heard Harry's name my eyes widened as I did not know how she could have figured that out. "Whattt, pff Harry Hook, no way, we're enemies, haha E, you're so funny sometimes," I say trying to brush her off.

"Come on, Maya, you can't lie to me. Plus I saw the bracelet that is on your wrists." She says.

"Ugh, fine you got me. Just don't tell Mal about it okay? She'll kill me if she ever found out." I tell Evie.

After Evie found out that I was dating Harry Hook, she started to ask me a lot of questions like how we got together, and how I managed to secretly sneak out at night after so many years and not get caught. It was a very fun night and I finally felt more relaxed after I confessed almost everything to Evie.

I walked out of my dorm telling Evie that I needed to get some fresh air. I went up to the balcony and saw the isle of the lost and I thought about Harry again as usual. To be honest, I actually do love staying here in Auradon but it's just not the same without Harry.

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