29 || Uma?

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Maya's P

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Maya's P.O.V

"All right. Get in, get out." Mal orders us as we walk toward the barrier. Jay opens the barrier, and they walk through it. 

"Whoa," Mal says as a shock goes through her, and the ember lights up. 

"You got a little Hades thing going," Evie says as she noticed that Mal's hair turned blue for awhile. 

"Wow. That thing packs a punch, huh?" Carlos says as my hair also turned blue when we walked out of the barrier. Mal passed me the ember to keep it safe but just then, Harry and Gil quickly jump out of the closing barrier behind us, this causes all of us to gasp in shock

"We made it, bro. We made it," Gil cheers as they hug and the barrier closes. "Hey, guys. We're just coming for a wee visit." Harry says as he and Gil walk forward. Jay and Carlos shove them, but Harry shoved Carlos back and this caused me to drop the ember onto the floor. 

"Hey, hey," I say as I grab the ember, but Harry used his hook to sling it onto my arm, causing the ember to be thrown into the sea. "No!" I was going to brace myself for the ember to be in the water, but it was grabbed by a tentacle and Uma emerges from the water. 

"Drop something?" Uma asks with a smirk. 

"It can't get wet. Give it back before it goes out," Mal quickly says as she holds out her hand. 

"Uma?" Harry and Gil say at the same time. 

"That's my name," Uma says with a laugh before going underwater. 

"No!" Mal and I shouted as Uma took the ember with her. The water starts to swirl up before it bursts. 

"Hi boys," Uma says and we turn around to find her behind us.

"Welcome back," Harry says as he walks over to her. 

"Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us," Gil says sadly. 

"Yeah. Planning her revenge. no doubt." I say angrily. 

"It's not all about you, Maya. I was looking for a hole in the barrier to let everyone out," Uma tells her before turning to Harry and Gil. "And you know what I found, boys? It's way better out there than we thought. There's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut. And fish so big you could dance on their backs. And they've been keeping it all for themselves." 

"Whatever. Uma, I need that to break a spell," Mal says as she holds her hand out for the ember. 

"Cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter," Carlos adds. 

"Mm. So, the good guy is the bad guy? Well, I might not give it back. Let's see what happens," Uma says with a laugh. 

"Uma, it's not the time for games! People's lives are in danger!" I yelled at her. 

"Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to can get off the isle," Uma tells Mal. 

"I can't do that," Mal says. 

"Can't do that? Well, how about now?" Uma questions as she holds the ember over the water. 

"Deal. Deal." Mal quickly says before Uma pretends to drop it. 

"Uma!" I yelled. "Her word is good." 

Uma looks back at Harry who was trying to see if I was lying. Harry nodded back to her to give her a signal that I was not lying. "I'll still keep this, for the time being," Uma says sticking the ember into her jacket as she walks away from the edge. "Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates."

"We can always go back to hating each other when this is over," Jay says to me. 

"Fine," I say as I crossed my arm. 

"Where are our bikes?" Jay asks. 

"Oh, yeah. We crashed them," Gil answers him before Harry mimics what happened with sound effects which causes Jay to nearly tackle Harry luckily, I hold him, but Harry was not too happy that I was close to Jay. 

"Here's a thought. We could try to be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences. Yeah?" Evie says. "Who wants gum?" 

"Let's go," Uma orders. 

"No?" Evie asks as she shakes a bag of gum. 

"Ah..." Mal says when Uma tries to walk away. "No, Maya and I are in charge. Let's go." 


"They're asleep. Everyone," Mal says as we walk to the courtyard at Auradon Prep. "I can't get Ben." She puts her phone away. 

"Or Dizzy or Doug," Evie says as she does the same. 

"Or Jane. The signal's out," Carlos says as he looks at his phone. 

"Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asks as she points to the school. 

"Yeah. When everybody wakes up, you're going to love it." Carlos tells her. 

"Yesss," Celia cheers quietly. 

"Everything is so..." Gil says as he looks around at his surrounding. 

"Freaky." Jay finishes. 

"Green," Gil says. "You have leaves on your trees. And what are those colored things on the bushes?" 

"Uh...flowers?" Jay answers him. 

"Flowers are pretty," Gil says. "Cantaloupe! Mm! Mm!" Gil grabs a bowl on the table and start eating the fruits in it. 

"We don't have fresh fruit on the isle, remember?" Uma tells Jay 

"They're grapes,"  Jay tells Gil. 

"Grapes? I love grapes," Gil says as he eats some more. 

"I believe I deserve some compensation for my muscles, my wile, and my role in this endeavor," Harry says as he takes a wallet from a guy pocket and the money in it. 

"You do," Jay says sarcastically as he grabs the money from Harry. "And I'll squash you like a bug." 

"Think I'm scared of you, Jay?" Harry asks him as he throws the wallet onto the table. 

"Guys," Uma, Mal and I say at the same time while I was trying to separate Jay and Harry from each other as they looked like they are going to kill each other. 

"Delicious," Dude says while eating from a guys hand before burping. 

"Dude, really?" Carlos asks as he walks over. 

"What? It wasn't me, I swear. Okay. It was me," Dude tells him. 

"Hey, do you know what happened here?" Carlos asks Dude. 

"Yup. Audrey showed up. She put everybody to sleep. And then she turned some of them to..." Dude explains but was cut of by Evie. 

"Guys." Evie calls. "Hannah turned to stone." 

"All right. Everyone stay on their toes," Jay tells everyone. 

"Look, since we're here, let's check the school," Uma says before walking towards the school. 

"No. Audrey went straight for the crown, so, I think it's safe to assume that she's gonna go for Ben and his castle next. That's where we'll go," Mal explains causing Uma to stop in her tracks. 

"Says who?" Uma asks. 

"Says me." Mal answers her. 

"Says you. And that's supposed to mean something to me?" Uma says as they walk towards each other. 

"Guys." Evie and I say causing them to stop. 

"To the castle," I ordered and started leading the way. 

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