Season Two Episode Eleven

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Crunch shrank into himself

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Crunch shrank into himself. He had never quite gotten used to the Captain's lectures.

Except this time the Captain looked more defeated than angry.

Conlan had seemed fine and relieved to see them when he picked them up from the forest. Then the entire ride back had been made in silence and when they landed, the Captain had marched them to the medical tent and told them to find him in twelve hours.

Crunch had just sprained his ankle so they slapped some bacta on and called it a day.

A few hours napping, and they were back to normal.

Which meant it was lecture time.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" Conlan asked, though it seemed he was talking to himself.

Crunch noticed the captain wasn't wearing his gloves. He had all the rest of his armor on, but his gloves were gone.

The Captain had a bunch of little scars covering his fingers and reaching up his arms. Crunch couldn't help but wonder how he got them — and why he was gloveless.

"Crunch," Conlan growled, "Stop staring and pay attention."

"Yessir, sorry, sir."

"You two are going to get yourselves killed! You can't get along and you don't seem to want to learn from your mistakes!" Conlan yelled, his anger returning.

"Sorry, Captain," both Crunch and Drifter muttered.

"A sorry doesn't fix anything," the Captain said as he crossed his arms. "You need to learn how to work together."

The General came bursting into the room. "Captain!"

Drifter and Crunch snapped to attention. Huh... General Lowh was shorter than he had expected.

"Yes, General," the Captain spun around.

"Our base six klicks to the east needs reinforcements," she said quickly. "A gunship with weapons and medical supplies will do for now. They're under siege."

"I'll assemble a gunship." The captain sounded weary.

"Please hurry, Captain. I will be preparing for a possible attack here." The General darted from the room just as fast as she had come in. 

Crunch looked back to the Captain, who was now tugging on his gloves.

"This will be your last chance," he said softly. "You two will pilot that supply ship to our other base and then return. If you can do that, I won't reassign you."

"Sir, yes, sir!" They both snapped into a salute.


"We've been spotted!" Crunch yelled, looking at the scanners. "I told you we should have flown lower!"

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