[Drunken Misunderstandings]

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Seongjun sat Renjun down on the window seat handing him a glass of water. He held his hands over Renjun's, as he gulped down the liquid, to make sure he didn't spill the drink.

"That's it Junnie, lets sober you up a bit." Seongjun said, taking the seat beside him. "Where's your friends? Someone should be looking after you."

"I left them." Renjun replied, pursing his lips. He squinted at Seongjun, still confused to why he was here with him. 

"Well that's silly. Give me a sec, I'll get some more water." 

Seongjun left for about a minute, hurriedly returning with the water. 

"Why are you doing this?" Renjun asked, grasping his fingers around the second glass. "You're not meant to be nice."

"We all have our issues Junnie, mine is fucking up relationships. I may have screwed you over in that sense, but I wouldn't just leave you when you're vulnerable." 


"Yangyang!" Chenle screamed. He grabbed the boys arm, forcefully turning him around. "Have you seen Renjun?"

"I haven't, I've been looking for him actually." Yangyang yelled back. He could see the worry on Chenle's face, immediately transferring the worry to him. "Is something wrong?"

"I haven't seen him for a while. I'm going to check the bedroom's, can you check back there?" Chenle pointed to the furthest end of the living room, past the huge mob of people. Honestly, he just didn't feel like being consumed by the crowd, so he gave that job to Yangyang. Though, it wasn't all great for him either, since he'd probably need to bleach his eye balls after the stuff he'll see in the bedrooms. 

"Sure, I'll text you if I find him." Yangyang replied, and Chenle nodded.

The two split off, with Yangyang pushing his way into the crowd. Hendery's apartment was quite large, which made no sense to why everyone bunched up like that. Yangyang nearly suffocated in the crowd, lucking finding himself on the other side before he passed out.

His eyes darted around the space, trying to see any sign of Renjun. He wandered down one of the halls, spotting two people sitting at a window seat. 

That two coloured hair, he could recognize that anywhere.

"Junnie I've been looking every-" Yangyang paused, dropping his relieved smile. He didn't know the guy next to Renjun, but he got a very bad vibe from him. 

"Oh I forgot about you." Renjun giggled, still a little tipsy. "Yangyang meet Seongjun."


The guy who broke Renjun's heart. Yangyang could feel the anger rushing through his body, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't want Renjun anywhere near that asshole.

Yangyang wrapped his fingers around Renjun's wrist, attempting to pull him to his feet. 

"No...I don't wanna go." Renjun whined, squirming his body around. It made it impossible for Yangyang to pull him up. 

"Hey he said he doesn't want to go." Seongjun stated, putting his arm in front of Renjun possessively. 

Yangyang glared to Seongjun, letting go of Renjun's wrist. "I heard him douche bag, let me handle this."

"What the fuck did you just call me?!" Seongjun spoke louder than before, getting to his feet. "What's your problem?"

"My problem is that you're the guy who cheated on Renjun, and was too much of a pussy to break up with him." Yangyang snapped, pushing Seongjun so hard, he fell back onto the window seat. "I don't want you anywhere near him."

"Yangyang stop!" Renjun shouted. "Leave him alone."

Yangyang furrowed his brows, looking to Renjun in shock. He definitely wasn't the bad guy in this situation. 

"Is this the type of person you hang around with now?" Seongjun scoffed, pushing himself up again. "I didn't realize your standards had dropped so low."

A wave of emotion rushed over Renjun, as tears trickled down his cheeks. He didn't want Seongjun to think of him like that.

"I'd comfort you Junnie, but this dipshit would probably throw a hissy fit. If you ever want to hang around me again, ditch this idiot, or don't bother trying to speak to me."

Renjun sobbed, watching Seongjun walk down the hall, and out of his life, for the second time. It could have been the alcohol, but it was hitting him hard. He didn't want Seongjun to go, and in his mind, it was all Yangyang's fault.

"Remember when you said you ruin everything? Well you were right." Renjun hissed, turning his back to Yangyang. "Just stay away from me." 

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