Act I: Chapter 7: Play

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July 11 2013

It was the next day as The time was three twenty four p.m. The Afternoon was going very well as It showed Nica's house, Nica asked Alex to come over for sometime as He arrived and was sitting with Nica as She was cleaning the dishes as Alex was helping her.

Nica: Thank you for helping me, Alex. You didn't really need too.

Alex: Its alright Nica. I'm here to help you anytime.

Nica: I really appreciate it though.

She gave a big smile to Alex and moved her hair aside as Ambrose looked at her and looked away as She was done cleaning the dishes as Alex moved the wheelchair near the sofa as Ambrose sat on the sofa and looked at her

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She gave a big smile to Alex and moved her hair aside as Ambrose looked at her and looked away as She was done cleaning the dishes as Alex moved the wheelchair near the sofa as Ambrose sat on the sofa and looked at her.

Alex: How are you? And How is your mother?

Nica: We're both doing fine actually. What about you?

Alex: I'm fine and my parents are doing fine too.

Nica: Thats great to hear. . Just a mintue, I'm going to drink some water-

Alex immediately got up as Nica looked at him.

Alex: I'll get it for you, Nica.

Nica: No, I don't wanna bother-

Alex: Your not bothering me at all, You could be tired from cleaning the dishes. Rest up.

She smiled and nodded as Alex gave a small smile and walked away to get her a glass of water as Nica was smiling to herself and stared at Alex while fixing her hair. Ambrose came back with a glass of water and gave it to Nica as She drank it and placed it on the table.

Nica: Thank you so much, Alex.

Alex: No problem at all.

Nica giggled and looked at him as Alex was staring at her.

Unknown to them, Someone was staring at the house, He got closer to the house until Sarah came downstairs and looked at Alex and Nica.

Sarah: Alex, Thank you for being with Nica for sometime.

Alex: Its no problem at all, Miss.

Sarah: Stay here a bit longer, I honestly don't mind.

Alex looked at Sarah and was about to say that he needed to leave, But he caught Nica staring at his face looking like she wanted him to stay here as Alex looked at the ground for a few seconds.

Alex: Okay, I'll stay here for sometime.

Nica had a smile on her face as Sarah had a small smile and walked away as Alex looked at Nica who was smiling at him.

The Unknown assailant was staring at the window and knew that they were still staying in the house as He sneakily walked away.

It was Three forty four as Anne was cleaning the house and was feeling tired, She cleaned the last table and placed the cloth in its place and washed her hands, Winters was in the living room as She sat on the couch stretching her arms.

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