Act I: Chapter 16: Memories

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July 13 2013


The weather was cold yet pretty relaxing. Some people enjoyed the breeze of cold wind, Some doesn't.

It showed Anne's apartment as She was in the kitchen.  Anne invited Charles over to her apartment and at the same time, Charles even invited his childhood best friend,  Eddie Caputo.

It was his first time meeting Anne as Eddie was sitting in the chair waiting while Charles was standing and leaning on the wall with one leg while smoking a cigarette

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It was his first time meeting Anne as Eddie was sitting in the chair waiting while Charles was standing and leaning on the wall with one leg while smoking a cigarette.

Eddie: So Charles, This is the person you were talking about?

Charles: Yeah, Anne.

Eddie: How long have you known her?

Charles: Quite a while actually.

Eddie: Ahh I see then.

Charles continued smoking as Eddie was waiting until Anne came out of the kitchen with a smile on her face while holding a tray of cookies.

Anne: Sorry if it took a while, Please try this.

She smiled at them as She placed the tray on the table as Both Eddie and Charles looked at the tray, Anne went to the kitchen as Eddie started eating the cookies and already liked it.

Eddie: Man this is delicious, I didn't know she was good in baking.

Charles tilted his head a little and stared at Eddie as Eddie chuckled and continued eating as Anne came back and smiled.

Anne: How is it?

Eddie: Its awesome, I love it.

Anne: Thank you so much. . Charles, Why don't you take one?

Charles looked at the tray before he smiled at Anne and took a cookie as Anne smiled at him.

Anne: How is it?

Charles: I like it.

He continued eating as Anne smiled, Both of them sat down and started talking to eachother.

Flashback End-

The thunderstorm was getting worse as Nica slowly woke up and found herself tied in the chair as Her eyes were widen until she looked and saw Ian.

Nica: Ian-

Ian: Dont speak, Nica. . I can't believe you did this. Why did you even do this?

Nica: Ian, Please. Why would I even do that?

Ian: And your saying a doll did all of this?. . .

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