Act I: Final Chapter (17): Difference

674 18 104

July 13 2013


It was the night as Anne was fixing her outfit and jacket as the wind blew to her face, She looked around and went to a near cafe and saw alot of seats outside as Anne was fixing her hair.
Anne continued walking until she turned and saw Charles sitting in the chair.

He was sitting without his coat, It was hanging on the chair as Charles smiled at Anne as Anne smiled at him back, They were both in the nightclub for sometime before leaving

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He was sitting without his coat, It was hanging on the chair as Charles smiled at Anne as Anne smiled at him back, They were both in the nightclub for sometime before leaving.

Charles smiled at her as Anne sat on the chair while holding her bag.

Anne: Hey there.

Charles: Hey, How was the nightclub? Better then the first time?

Anne: It was actually a bit okay, Still not used to it though.

She giggled as Charles smiled and smoked a cigarette.

Charles: I guess your not really that type. . Want a smoke?

Anne: No, I don't smoke actually.

Charles: Alright, Thats okay.

Anne: So, Why did you call me here?

Charles: Nothing important, Just wanted to hangout again.

Anne: Oh, This is the first time you actually called me here.

She laughed a little as Charles chuckled and stared at her.

Charles: I was just feeling bored. Nothing else.

Anne gave a smile to him as He gave a small smile, He was looking around as Anne was staring at him and smiling, Charles looked at her as Anne turned away as He continued smoking.

Both of them were talking and joking with eachother until Anne wanted to go to the cafe and grab something to drink as She got up.

Charles: Where are you going?

Anne: Just wanted to get a drink, I'm feeling thristy.

Charles: Alright, I'll be here to wait for you.

Anne: *Smiles* Okay.

She walked away as Charles looked at her and chuckled as He got up and wore his coat again and was looking around.

Sometime Later, Anne was drinking a little in the cafe as She walked out and was walking really fast until. .

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Difference | Chucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now