Act II: Chapter 9: Sometimes I Scare Myself

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January 9 2017

Everyone was watching in silence as Foley continued to burn the Chucky doll's hand as its hand was melting. Nica kept staring at it until Foley stopped the lighter and stared at Nica as Everyone was looking as Nica just stared and spoke.

Nica: Wait a minute, now him. He could've switched places with it somehow.

Madeleine got up as Foley tried to speak as Madeleine was holding the doll tightly.

Madeleine: You leave my baby alone.

Madeleine walked away as Foley tried to speak to her but she was gone as Foley was staring before he looked at Nica.

Foley: What are you doing? I thought we were way past this.

Foley placed the doll on the sofa and walked away as Nica was just staring at the doll as She was thinking alot in her head until Michael spoke.

Michael: Let's just go and get rid of him. Okay? Better safe than sorry.

Nica looked at him as Michael was walking as Nica was moving her wheelchair fast as Michael was talking to her.

Michael:  So why didn't he kill you when he had the chance?

Nica: Because he wants to mess with me. That's what he does. First, he'll kill each and every one of you in the most horrible ways you can imagine. And he'll make me watch. And then he'll kkll me, too. Unless, of course, I'm a complete psychopath.

Michael: Well, let's just stay positive.

Nica was moving her wheelchair as Madeleine was talking to the nurse as Nica called her but Madeleine opened the door and went outside as Nica pushed her wheelchair forward as She spoke.

Nica: Where's Madeleine going?

Nurse Ashley: She took her baby out for a walk. And I think you should leave her alone.

The nurse walked away as Nica was watching from the door which can be seen through as she saw Madeleine holding the doll while walking away as she looked at Michael.

Nica: You have to go get her.

Michael: No, I can't.

Nica: Why not?

Mark: My outdoor privileges were suspended. I hacked into Dr. Foley's computer. It was ridiculously easy, a lot easier than being CEO of a two hundred billion corporation.

Nica: *Stares at him* You're Mark Zuckerberg now.

Mark: Yeah.

Nica: Okay. I'll take care of Ashley.

Nica moved her wheelchair as She was distracting Ashley, Ashley was helping Nica to check on her wheelchair as Mark took the opportunity and opened the door and left as Nica was looking.

Meanwhile Claire sneaked inside the room as She grabbed the Chucky doll that Foley placed on the sofa, She was walking as she was about to throw the doll until she got hurt on the arm as Claire dropped the doll and looked at her arm and saw a bite as She was bleeding until Foley came and saw what happened to her arm.

Foley: Oh my god, What are you doing Claire?

Claire: Dr. Foley, it's true. He's alive.

Foley: What have you done to yourself now?

Claire: What? No! It was him! Claire,

Foley: Why don't you come with us? Come on.

Claire: No. No, it was him. It was him!

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