Act I: Chapter 10: The Beginning

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July 12th 2013

It was the next day as Nica was cleaning the table as She wiped the sweat off from her forehead and continued cleaning until someone touched her hand and holded the cloth as Nica turned and saw it was Alex.

Alex: Why are you doing it by yourself?

Nica: Oh It isn't that bad, Alex. I can clean it myself.

Alex: Let me do it.

Alex grabbed the cloth as Nica moved her wheelchair and had a big smile looking at Alex.

Alex grabbed the cloth as Nica moved her wheelchair and had a big smile looking at Alex

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She nodded and kept smiling at him as Nica spoke.

Nica: Your so sweet Alex, I still think why you don't have any friends.

Alex: Thanks Nica, I just prefer to not make any friends. . .

Nica: But I'm your friend.

Alex had a small smile and looked at her as Nica smiled at him.

Alex: Thanks, Your a great friend too.

Nica nodded and smiled and moved her wheelchair as Alex cleaned the table and followed her as Nica was moving her wheelchair and grabbed an album as Alex sat on the sofa as Nica moved next to him.

Nica: Wanna take a look at my family pictures?

Alex: Of course.

Nica opened the album as She was showing Alex her family photos, She was smiling and continued showing the pictures.

Nica: This is my mother and my sister.

Alex nodded and continued looking until Nica heard her mother calling her as Nica moved her wheelchair as Ambrose was waiting for her. He decided look at the photo album.

Alex was looking until he noticed one family picture which showed Nica's mother, father and sister until he noticed someone in the picture as well.

The Man had long black hair and was wearing a suit as Alex raised an eyebrow.

( Is this another relative of Nica?. . )

Alex just stared as He saw another picture with the same guy as Ambrose placed the book on the table.

(Its better if I not look into these without Nica's permission)

Alex was looking around until Nica came back and moved her wheelchair closer to Alex as Nica looked at him.

Nica: Lets continue.

She smiled as She grabbed the photo album until Nica touched Alex's hand and squeezed it as Alex looked at her as Nica smiled, Alex looked away as Nica opened the photo album.

Meanwhile Anne finished taking a shower as She wore her clothes and was fixing her hair which was a bit wet and cold as Winters was walking until she saw Chucky sitting while holding a book as She looked at him.

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