Act I: Chapter 14: Psychotic Intentions

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July 13 2013

Anne was in her house as She was thinking about Chucky, She looked at the sky as Anne went to her room.

Until she saw something on the table as Anne was confused. She looked at it and saw Sunflowers as She started having memories.


Anne was driving the car as Charles was looking at the window, Anne looked at the road before she looked at him.

Anne: I wonder where the car owner went.

Charles: Don't know, Probably for a walk.

Anne: Maybe.

Charles looked at her and gave a small smile and looked at the window again as Anne continued driving before she stopped the car as Both of them got out as Anne smiled.

Anne: That was a great experience.

Charles: You drived very well.

She gave a smile as Charles smiled at her back.

Both of them were taking a walk outside while talking before Charles went to do something as Anne was waiting for him and looked around, Until Anne saw Charles walking towards her.

Charles: I'm here. . I also got you something.

Anne looked as He pulled out sunflowers as Anne looked at him.

Charles: I thought maybe you liked sunflowers.

Anne: *Takes the sunflowers* Thank you so much, Charles. I actually really love sunflowers!

Anne smelled the flowers and gave a big smile as She looked at him, However She noticed him smiling but also staring blankly.

Anne smelled the flowers and gave a big smile as She looked at him, However She noticed him smiling but also staring blankly

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Anne smiled and continued looking at him before he smiled and nodded his head.

Charles: Your welcome, Glad you loved it also.

Anne smiled and him as He told Anne to follow him as Anne was walking with him.

Flashback end-


nne stared at the sunflowers as she saw something written on the paper.


Anne stared at the paper as She smelled the sunflowers.

Meanwhile in Nica's house, Nica was in the wheelchair as Ian had the doll next to him as Ian picked up the doll.

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