Act II: Chapter 11: Blank Space

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January 10 2017


Charles was walking back to his apartment after his dinner date with Anne, He even gifted her some sunflowers before they left the restaurant, Charles was smiling and was thinking about her as He opened his apartment door and closed it as He walked inside and saw Tiffany standing with her arms crossed who looked visibly upset.

Charles: Hey Tiff.

Tiffany: Where were you?

Charles: Just outside, Hanging out with a friend. What have you been up too?

Tiffany: Oh i know that, You were with Anne weren't you?

Charles just stared at her in silence as He shooked his head.

Charles: Yeah

Tiffany: I saw her actually with you.

Charles: She looks sweet doesn't she?

Tiffany: *Gets upset* Excuse me!?

Charles: She's a great person, Polite and respectful.

Tiffany: And What is it to you?

Charles: Well She completed high school, went to University and got a bachelor degree.

Tiffany was confused and raised an eyebrow as Charles looked at her.

Charles: She had alot of knowledge with certain things. What do you know?

Tiffany gasped and knew that Charles was trying to insult her as Valentine looked shocked.

Tiffany: Are you calling me dumb!?

Charles: You don't even know how to hide a dead body first of all.

Tiffany: Really?? So your saying She's better then me?

Charles walked away as Tiffany was following him while arguing as He was getting a bit annoyed by her.

Tiffany: How come you didn't take me out for dinner but had the time to take her out!?

Charles just ignored her as Tiffany was getting upset as She continued speaking to him.

Tiffany: And now your insulting me? You take her outside everyday and you never took me out.

Charles was drinking some water as Tiffany was getting more angry.

Tiffany: Answer me! Why do you prefer her?

Charles: *Sighs* Come on Tiff, I'm not in a mood right now.

Tiffany continued arguing with him as Charles was getting upset as Tiffany continued speaking to him.

Tiffany: So you decide to give her gifts and attention but not me? This is not fair!

Charles: Tiff, Just shut up. You don't have to drag her into this.

Tiffany: Oh so your now defending her?

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