One Hell of a Dancer

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"I can't!! I just can't!!" Ciel let go of my hand and sat down, right on the ballroom floor.

"Ciel, you'll get it eventually. one more time and we'll be done for the day."

He sighed. "why haven't you got it yet?"

"Get what?"

"I. Can't. Dance."

"And that's why you're going to learn." I put my hand out for him to grab. he looked up at me and I smiled. A real, sincere smile. He grabbed my hand and stood up.

"One more time?"

I smiled. "one more time."

We danced and we danced. And he didn't step on my feet.

"Ciel! You! You did it!" He stood there in shock as I kissed him.

"I did it. I really did it, Arielle."

"You sound like a child."

"I think I am." he laughed and pulled me into his room.  "Do you wish to play a game?"

"What game?" I asked between laughs.


"I've never played." he looked shocked. I smiled.

He smiled and said, "I guess it's my turn to teach you something then."

"I guess so."

Ciel sat up and said quite loudly, "Sebastian! Get the chess board!"

And shortly a chess board was set up in Ciel's bed.

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