Back in Black

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Once we were finally back at the manor, the door opened. And a tall man in black smiled at us.

"Welcome back, Young Master. And Lady Arielle." Ciel opened his eyes and looked up, his eyes full of shock.

"Sebastian! H-how-?!" Ciel started to cough, his body shaking. Sebastian quickly grabbed Ciel and ran off. I stood there frozen, just for a moment and then followed. I knew what happened, asthma. Its too much. The past month has been rough. We can through this. I know we can. I stopped at Ciel's room and saw him coughing lying on his side. Blood was soaking through his bandages.

I rushed to his side. "C-ciel! Are you alright? Y-you can't lay on your side, it's making it worse.." Ciel cringed as I touched the now crimson bandage.

"D-don't." He was so helpless, and Sebastian just stood on the other side of the bed. Silent.

"Do you want to be left alone? At least until you feel better?" His coughing only grew worse and then he slowly nodded.
"A-alright." I got up from my knees and walked out. I fell onto the floor outside his door. my head in my hands until I heard the door close once more.

"Thank you." I looked up to see the butler standing over me.

"I haven't done anything."

"Yes, you have. You took care of Ciel." he smiled. I sunk further into the ground.

"It's what anyone else would do. Besides, its what he did for me...." Sebastian's face softened as he sat down next to me.

"What do you mean Lady Arielle?" I looked away.

"It's a long story. I don't think I should tell you without Ciel.."

"If that's what you wish." He started to get up.

"Sebastian! Wait!"

"What is it lady Arielle?"

"Are you the demon Ciel was talking about?" He looked away, then sighed.


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