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Me and sal walked to the apartments holding hands. He told me about his encounter with Amalia. It pissed me off. Why won't she stay away from me. "Sal, thanks for sticking up for me, with Amalia." He looked up at me and smiled. "No problem love!" I smiled at him. We walked into Addison apartments and sal grabbed his mail before we went to the elevator.


I saw Travis.. It looked like he was crying, hurt? I ran up to him and touched him. Then I was somewhere else. A date flashed in my eyes. 5 days from now? I couldn't move. Travis was in the empty classroom. Waiting for me I'm guessing. Then Amalia walked in. She locked the door. "Travis darling~" He stared at her. In horror. "You're MINE." She giggled and walked over to him. I couldn't move. I wanted to save him. He was about to scream. But she punched him. NO.. she started to make out with him. He was crying. I wanted to save him. PLEASE. She took his shirt off and started to abuse him in hickeys. All over his body. STOP. I wanted this to end. Why won't I wake up!? She started to undress herself and the rest of him..

"NO!" I quickly realized I was awake. Sweat was dripping down my face. I moved my blankets to the side and flipped my legs over the bed. Luckily Travis went home tonight. I walked into the bathroom and turned the light on. The light flickered a few times before turning on. I turned the sink on and washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror. That was just a nightmare.. Right?.. My gut was telling me that this was going to happen. In 5 days. I can't let this happen. I won't. I gently flapped my wings and sighed. "I... Will.. Protect you.." I turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Turning the light off. I walked back into my room and checked the time. 4. I opened my drawer and grabbed the walkie talkie Larry gave me. "Lar? You up. " I waited a few seconds.. "Yeah dude? What's up?" I smiled. "Can I come down for a while? I had a nightmare." He said sure and I got a hoodie on and shorts. I put my shoes on and walked out. I inserted the basement keycard and waited for the doors to open.

I opened Larry's door. "Hey." He looked up from his drawing. "What was your nightmare?" He patted the side of his bed. I sat down. And I explained the whole thing. Because I remembered. The whole thing. Every detail.

"Holy shit dude. I'm sorry. We'll both make sure this won't happen." He smiled reassuring. I smiled slightly back at him. "Thanks lar. Can I stay down here for tonight?" He nodded his head and layed down on the bed. I got up for a second and took my hoodie off. I think he forgot about my wings. They shocked him a bit. I chuckled. "I forgot about those.." He chuckled. I layed down next to him and stared up at the ceiling. "5 days.." He nodded. "We'll be ready." I smiled and started to fall asleep..

"LARRY GET YOUR FUCKING BIG ASS LEGS OFF OF MY STOMACH!" I was walking into Larry's apartment since I didn't find sal in his. "LARRY DON'T FUCKING TALK ABOUT YOUR HAIRY BALLS" I heard gagging noises from the bedroom. Lisa was in the kitchen making breakfast. "LARRY JOHNSON STOP TRAUMATIZING YOUR STEP BROTHER!" I chuckled. I walked in and yeah, Larry's hairy legs were on sal. I leaned against the wall and laughed at them. Sal looked up at me. "NOT FUNNY FUCKER!" He flapped his wings hitting me and Larry in the face. "YOU PRICK!" Larry shoved sal off of the bed. "YOU ASSHOLE!!" Sal grabbed his pillow and started attacking Larry with it. I started laughing hysterically. "DUDE OKAY OKAY TRUCE" Sal hit him one last time. He leaned back against Larry's headboard and smiled proudly. I smiled and walked over to sal. I kissed him on the forehead and sat next to him. He giggled. "Hey love!" He smiled at me. Then Larry put his hairy legs on both of us. "LARRY GET YOUR FUCKING TOES OFF OF ME!"

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