Twenty nine

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Me and Larry were eating breakfast after Lisa went to work. "You sure you're okay little dude?" He looked over at me. I nodded. While I was chewing my bacon I started to talk. "Dude did.." More chewing. "Someones coming to join..." More chewing. Larry just rolled his eyes. "Finish your fuckin bacon first you idiot!" He chuckled at me. I finally swallowed the rest of my bacon. "Okay okay! So there's a new girl moving in either today or tomorrow." Larry looked at me smirking. "Do you know her?! Is she hot!!?" I laughed at him. "I mean, she's my childhood friend, I have no clue how she looks now." He frowned. "Damn.. I hope she's hot as hell then!" I punched him in the shoulder.


This fucking dickwad Damien I swear! He won't stop trying to attack me everytime mom and aunt kassie leave. It's getting on my nerves. "BACK THE FUCK UP DUDE!" He cornered me against the wall. "Dude. Back up." I glared at him. He smirked at me and punched me so hard he knocked me out... I have no clue what happened afterward.


Me and Larry were talking with Terrance because he got a call from them saying they'll be here today! Larry was like a little toddler he was so excited. "Dude! Is that them?!" We looked out the doors. Indigo walked in. I think it was her. "Fisher?.." She froze in her place. "Fisher?!" She ran up to me hugging me tight. Jesus she's tall. "Jesus you're short!" She chuckled at me. How fuckin tall was this bitch?! She looked at least 6 foot! She's 1 inch taller than Larry! What the fuck man. Larry looked at her. For once he had to look UP at someone. "Damn you're fucking hot-" I punched Larry in the arm. "DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?! She just got here you asshole!" She giggled at us. Her parents walked in finally. "Stop talking to those weird.. Freaks. Go get our stuff from the car." Her step mom rolled her eyes. Indigo sighed and walked back out the apartments. This bitch- my phone started to ring. "Sal?! Sal I'm so sorry!!" Travis sounded upset and traumatized. "Travis?! What happened?" He started to sob. "My cousin! The fucking bastard raped me! While I was unconscious!.. I want to be with you so bad sal.." I froze and mother showed up in my mind quickly.

Sal, this is going to be bad for you both. But get Travis to steal the money you guys got from your father. He needs to fly back to nockfell. He isn't safe there. Please sal.

"Travis.. I need you to steal money for a airplane ticket." He didn't respond for a few minutes. "Alright. I can do that. I'll update you soon sal." He hung up after that. "Can you give me the damn key already?!" Terrance was frowning and Larry looked pissed. Because he overheard my conversation and because of the step mom. "Dude, fucking back off of Terrance. He's trying his hardest!" She glared over at Larry. "And who told you to speak? You look like a poor homeless kid." She chuckled at him. "Shut the fuck up you annoying ass spoiled bitch!" I yelled at her. Indigo walked back in by now. "Don't you fucking dare call me that you.. You toddler!" She glared at me. She's like 2 inches taller than me. "Mother.. Please don't talk to sal like that. He's a good guy. So is his friend." Indigo put her hand on my head. God she's too tall. But she's cool.

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