Chapter 31

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⚠️ warning ⚠️
This chapter contains slight depersonalization (I think) and stalker behavior

I'm going to be just fine...


Gakushuu's POV

It was cold.

I curl myself into my quilt, wrapping myself into a ball on my bed with the thin blanket I had on me. It was strange, I've never felt this sensation before. Of course, I've felt cold before, but this feeling wasn't just cold, it was sort of.... eerie in a way, almost like something was waiting in the dark. The hairs on my arm stood up, the quiet rattling of my teeth vibrated throughout my body.

I was never scared of the dark before, ever since I was a kid, I was never really afraid of many things. I guess father hated seeing weakness of any sort so he made sure I had other things to worry about instead.

I glanced at my closed window again, making sure I wasn't hallucinating that it was closed. Am I coming down with something?

I uncurl myself from the blanket, sitting at the edge of my bed I hug my arms around my shoulders, rubbing them in an attempt for warmth. My long sleeve pajamas weren't helping me in the slightest. Maybe I could get another blanket or perhaps turn on the heater. I decide against the latter, knowing father will chew my ear off about wasting energy and increasing the power bill.

I mean he has a point. Don't want a useless child to waste precious resources...

The cricket chirps rung through the corridor; my footsteps barely noticeable. It would be best if I didn't wake him, since being a principal and all requires a lot of work I presume. I tip-toe to the closet that held all the quilts and I pull at the one in front of me.

Moonlight streamed through the window at the end of the corridor, allowing the shadows of the blowing trees to seep into the dark corridor. The sky was cloudless, trees swaying gently in the light breeze that seeped into the house.

I tug harder at the quilt, the cold biting my exposed skin. It isn't even winter yet, why was it so cold?

With a dull thump, the quilt falls to the wooden floor, a trail of dust following it. I cough and swat away any dust I could see.


I jerk away at the foreign noise, glancing around for where it came from. I peer into the cabinet again, a tiny glimmer of light shining from the back.

That's strange, what could possibly be there. I know I never kept anything back there and I don't have a reason to be hiding anything there either. Is it father's? That's even stranger to be honest, he never misplaces anything from what I know and if he were to hide something, he would do it in a more secure place.

I peer down the hallway to my father's bedroom, letting out an exhale when noticing his closed door. I grunt, pushing my body further into the cabinet, squinting to spot the object again. If only I had my phone to light up the place.

Ah it's useless to think about that now, wishing it were with me wouldn't do anything anyways. I feel around for anything, praying to anything and everything I wouldn't make contact with something gross.

I jump at the metal that collides with my fingers, the sound of metal hitting the side of the cabinet surrounding me. I reach for whatever it is and pull it towards me when I find it again.

I hold in a sneeze as I pull myself out. I ruffle my hair, hoping to get the dust out my hair.

I open my hand that held a small metal key. For what? I have no idea. I've never seen it before in my life and judging its appearance, it seems to have been living in this cabinet for god knows how long.

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