Chapter 5

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Asano's POV





I slam my fist onto the snooze button and groan. I hate waking up. After I had my shower last night I had decided to study for the test in two weeks time. I completely regret staying up, I feel like I just went through hell and back.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and held my throbbing head in my hands. I haven't eaten a proper meal in two days and I'm starving. What day was it again? I don't even remember but I don't care either.

I begin heading to the bathroom while I tried my best not to collapse on the way there. Before I could reach the door I hear a huge explosion from downstairs. As normal person would do, I run down the steps two by two and sprint into the kitchen where I see m y father covered in a weird brown......dough?

" what are you doing?" I ask, slowly walking towards where he was standing.

"Cooking." Was all he said before stepping forward to the stove.

I peer over his shoulder and gag at what was in the pan. I have no idea what he was trying to make but it sure as hell was not edible.

I grab a cloth before soaking it with the water from the tap. I hand it to my father who was staring at the messy stove. I sigh drearily and shake my head. I've known since I was a little kid that dad could cook for shit. Even if he had to cook to save his life, I'm pretty sure he would've given up in the spot.

"Dad, how many times have I told you not to cook. You always explode the kitchen every time you try." I say grabbing another wet cloth and wiping the areas where the brown...whatever it was had landed.

After about ten minutes I had finished cleaning the brown stuff off the kitchen counter, stove and floor and obviously dad just stood there. He did even help! Ugh, whatever.

"I'll make breakfast. Just wait at the table." I say tiredly as a yawn escaped my mouth. I see my father exit the kitchen without a word. I roll my sleeves up, exposing my scarred skin.


I didn't even need the voice inside my head to tell me that. I already know that I'm disgusting. I sigh for the hundredth time this week and throw out the brown mixture before starting a new one. I'm pretty sure he was trying to make pancakes since he had left his phone here and he had searched up:

'How to make pancakes'

I turn off his phone and set it aside so it doesn't get anything on it. I grab all the ingredients to make my special pancake and set them on top of the kitchen counter. Maybe I should try teaching my dad how to make pancakes so he doesn't explode the kitchen every single time he touches the stove.

After making the pancakes, I walk to where my father was sitting and place it in the middle of the table. I watch him grab the first pancake and begin munching on it as he reads the newspaper. Wow, he doesn't even say thank you. How rude!

I take off the orange apron that I had put on before making the pancakes and place it on the hook. I trudge up the stairs and into my room. I try my very hardest not to look at my bed that was calling me to it. But I obviously can't sleep since it's my first day of e-class. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

I put on my school uniform from yesterday and spray some cologne so I don't smell like shit. I put the correct note books into my bag and walk downstairs. I haven't eaten yet and I'm starving. I walk to where the dining table was but the plate with the pancakes was not in sight.

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