Chapter 19

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Karma's POV

It's been three days since Asano had gotten out of hospital and everyday he seems to get worse and worse.

Even if I do want to help him, I don't exactly know how to. I mean I'm pretty sure by now the hospital would've recommended some kind of therapist or something.

Hopefully he goes to them. I'm pretty sure his father probably sends him to them. I mean hopefully he does.

I've asked how nagisa manages to deal with his mother's  abuse but he barely says anything that would help in Asano's situation.

Currently we are sitting in class, listening to Bitch Sensei's yapping about how Karasuma Sensei ignored her all day after she water sprayed him as a joke. Honestly, I'm not sure if we're learning about her life or English at this point.

I quickly steal a glance at Asano as he was slowly dozing off. I look around to see everyone bored out of their minds or not even paying attention but playing on their phones hidden beneath their desks. Bitch sensei probably hasn't noticed since she's too absorbed into her story.

I sigh and take out my phone skillfully like the amazingly talented person I am and switched on my mobile data.

I type into the search bar 'how to help someone with depression'.

I honestly really want to help Asano. I mean seeing people getting embarrassed and angry is funny and entertaining but seeing someone suffer everyday and getting worse just makes me feel like helping them.

You're all probably thinking, "Oh ma god, Karma is being nice?!"

Of course I'm being nice. I'm not a heartless person. I mean a little but not that much...

I read through the results and realize most of these are useless. I mean, yes listening to what they need to say is helpful but that doesn't help if the person doesn't exactly like you or isn't very open. And I know for a fact that Asano doesn't really like me and he's not the type of person to tell others how he feels.

But I mean I could try.

Asano's POV

I stare out the window lazily. My eyes feel really sore and are threatening to close. My head hurts from crying all night and trying to keep quiet.

All I wanted was someone to notice my efforts. Actually, I just want someone to make me feel happy. I haven't felt pure happiness since... my 10th birthday.

After I turned 10 my father got stricter with the house rules and made me work all day. After a few months he started to send me to tutors.

I was very naive and always believed when my father told me he was making me work because he cares. I would hear him say "I love you" only rarely. I don't remember the last time he truly cared about me.

I want someone to hug me, tell me that their proud of me. I want someone....anyone...

I lay my head on my head and my eyes slowly begin to close.


I jump up into my seat and see bitch sensei glaring at me with her blue eyes. I bow my head as an apology but I don't think she understood me since her glare became....scarier...?

I don't think I was that afraid of her. My father has a more terrifying glare.

That one time I accidentally dropped his expensive mug, he slapped me and told me to clean it up. I was only 12 at the time so I just believed that he was trying to discipline me. Now that I think back, I don't even know if that was the reason.

After a long time of hearing the rest of bitch sensei's story, the lesson had finished and it was break time.

I used to hate break time since I thought it was a waste of time. Now I'm blessing the person who came up with break time.

I walk out of class and to the vending machine. I decided to buy a small drink to satisfy my thirst. I sit down underneath a tree. The furtherest away from the rest of the class.

I open the cap of the bottle and take a light sip. Before I could rest my head against the tree, a rustle in the bushes stopped me.

Someone's probably there. I look towards the class that sat away from me. I scan the students to see who were missing.

I contained to examine but my eyes were beginning to hurt from squinting. I sigh and let the person spy me.

I close my eyes and rest my head on the tree and take a deep breath.

Nagisa's POV

I stay hidden in the bushes as I continue observing Asano. I'm not exactly sure why karma asked me to do this but since I owe him for talking to my mother about me. Ever since then, my mum has begun to be less violent with me.

I watch as Asano look away from the rest of the class and rest his head against the tree. Now that I'm looking at him properly, I realized that his eye bags are more visible and his skin was unnaturally pale.

He must be studying until late at night. He must really want to be the best in the school. I mean I bet his father his really proud of him. I'm glad my mum doesn't mind my grades. She was overjoyed about my latest results.

I'm worried about Asano's health. He doesn't eat at lunch and I don't think he sleeps properly. He must be really affected from being put down to the lowest class.

Ritsu still hasn't found the reason he was put down all the way to our class. He probably feels lonely. Nobody ever talks to him or hangs out with him. Maybe I could invite him to sit with the rest of the class. But for now I need to continue serving him.

I hope he'll be okay.

Karma's POV

I've decided to observe Asano's behavior and try talking to him. He's lonely, his dad doesn't seem to do anything about him and his health is getting worse. I've concluded that he needs someone to comfort him and take down the barriers he's created around him.

My plan:

Befriend him.


Hello peoples!

As you know, my updating is very inconsistent.

Reason? Drawing!

I've been really into drawing these days so I've been off devices these days.

Anyways! Check out my art on deviantart——> my account is Panda123382

I mean if you want to see them. Definitely not advertising my stuff. Lol

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this cringy and poorly ended chapter!!

Lol bye

Scars (Karma x Depressed Asano) (bxb)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя