Chapter 26

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Gakushuu's POV

I feel my breath get stuck in my throat as my thoughts become disarrayed. I feel as if I'm choking and it was burning my throat.

"Wha-i-ho-" I couldn't form proper sentences and all I can do is open and close my mouth. How did he get in here?!

"Gaku-chan? You okay?" He puts the box down gently on my desk and turns to walk to me. I feel panic rise and I raise my my hand up, indicating him to stop. If he came any closer, I'll probably have a panic attack, I already couldn't breathe.

He immediately stops moving even though he looks as if he were in a battle with himself on whether to listen to me or not. I ignore him and calm my breathing, the last thing I want to have is a panic attack right in front of him. He'll probably tease me and pester me about it for the rest of eternity if I did.

"Hey Gakushuu, calm down. Are you okay." I raise my head up slightly and to my surprise, he was still standing where I told him to stop but that didn't stop the obvious concern he was displaying. Why is he making that expression? Does he care? No he couldn't, it's impossible. This is Karma Akabane we're talking about.

I glance at the open box and the humiliation of being caught with it dawns on me. I see that bright pink thing peek out from the inside of the box, as of it were taunting me. How the hell am I supposed to live this down?!

I take a few deep breathes and compose myself before glaring at Akabane. I stomp to my desk and pick up the box, shutting it and pegging it into the trash can.

An awkward silence fills the room as neither of us say a word. What the hell am I supposed to do now?! Way to make my morning worse.

"Akabane, hasn't anyone taught you not to go through other people's stuff?" I snap at him. He doesn't say anything but he looks like he wants to.

Well good bye to my social life I guess. Akabane will tell everyone and no doubt they will believe him because he doesn't seem to lie when he teases. Obviously everyone will trust him and then they'll bully me too.

What would dad say if he finds out. He'll disown me probably. I'm already a failure to begin with, no doubt he would kick me out for having this kind of thing with me. It'll tarnish his reputation and he'll hate me for the rest of his life. He's the only family I have left, I can't loose him too.

"Gaku-chan? Are you okay?" I scowl at him.

"Like hell I am!" I snap at him and he sighs.

"I won't judge you for having this kind of interest...." I raise an eyebrow, that was the most obvious lie I've ever heard. "Okay maybe I am considering whether or not to tease you but like can you blame me?!"

"Wait, wait, wait! I didn't actually buy this for myself!" I mentally slap myself across the face. I'm making this sound like I actually did buy this for myself!

"Oh, someone bought this for you? Like you're boyfriend or something?" My mouth drops open. I mean he isn't wrong, someone did buy it but not like someone I know!

"No! I'm not gay and I'm not with anyone! And I was mailed this anonymously yesterday! I don't know who sent it to me!" He didn't seem to believe me since a smirk appears on his face and he crosses his arms.

"I don't know Gaku-chan, you seemed pretty panicked when I found it." He says with a sing-sing tone that makes my blood boil.

"That's because I thought you'll tease me and tell everyone at school that I even have something like this this!" He didn't seem convinced and I really began to panic. He's going to tell everyone at school, and they'll think I'm a pervert.

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