Chapter 15

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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I had a humongous writers blocks and I was dying trying to come up with chapter 15

This chapter isn't that good but it's the best I can do lol.

Well anyways I'm here and I've got the chapter so.....ENJOY!

Asano's POV




It's dark. I can't see anything from where I am. All I can see is black miles and miles ahead of me.

Where am I?

What happened?

I rub my eyes gently and attempt to move from where I was standing. I try to lift up my leg from the ground but it's feels as if it's super glued to to the bottom.

Dammit, why can't I move!? Maybe my legs have fallen asleep, but that means I shouldn't be able to stand properly. Am I having another dream?

But that can't be right, I committed suicide didn't I? Then how come I'm in a dream. Maybe this is what happens when you commit suicide and you're on the verge of death....

The last thing I remember is waking up in the middle of the day and realizing I missed school and it's almost the end of school. I'm so stupid! But at least I kept the note on top of the table so anyone who sees me, they would know what I did and why I did it.

But if I killed myself then, shouldn't I be dead now and not in a dream. I mean I thought right after you die you go to your next life or something.

Thinking too much is hurting my head. But then again I shouldn't be able to feel that since I'm dead. And now I'm confusing myself.

Whatever, I'll figure out what the hell is going on right after I figure out where the hell I am. I turn my head slowly to check my surroundings and realize there is nothing here and it doesn't seem like I can go anywhere even if I did move.

Asano Gakushuu.....

What the...

I swear I just heard a voice.


Is dad's voice...?

Please wake up.....

Wake up?! But I'm dead! Right....?

Wait a second. What if I killed myself but as soon as I did, dad came home and checked on me?! But then he would've had to come home really early.

Nothing is adding up and it's driving me insane.

What should I do?! I need to get out of here and I have no idea how to.


Wait a second is that...


I look around and spot my mother in the distance. What the hell is she doing here?!

Is she...smiling? Mum has never smiled at me, ever!

"Asano, my beautiful son. What are you doing here?"

She never talked to me like that....

"You should be happy, enjoying yourself. Not here."

Stop talking....

"Asano, everyone will miss you..."

Please....stop talking

"They're all going to be sad that you left."


I fall onto my knees with my hands covering my ears. She's lying. Mum has never said anything nice to me! This is just my imagination trying to trick me into living again.

I hear her giggle manically before a psychotic grin carved into her face.

"That what you wanted me to say to you wasn't it."

Her voice is sickening. I can feel my breathing getting unstable and a high pitch ring shrieks into my ears.

"Of course no one would want you."

The ringing is getting louder and it's getting harder to hear any words coming from the monster in front of me. Not that's a problem anyway.

"Your father probably wanted you dead a long time ago."

I clutch my chest, trying to force myself to calm down. At this rate I might explode from breathing too hard and fast.

"You're such a weak child."

I hug my arms around my body and try to contain myself.

"I feel ashamed that I gave birth to such a weakling."

Her voice was getting further and further away from me, which relives me but for some reason I'm panicking harder than before.

I hear her giggle before the ringing grows so loud I feel like my head might actually explode.

Before I could think of anything else, everything goes silent. There was no sound at all. I'm breathing normally as if nothing just happened.

I peer around me cautiously before I spot of light above me.

Maybe I can get out of here if I go towards the light. I reach up to it and as if I was floating, I get closer and closer to it. Maybe this is heaven....?

I open my eyes slowly as I try to get used to the blinding light that is glaring at me. Why is it so damn bright?!

I slowly begin to adjust to the bright light and the objects around me begin to look like actual things.





What is that noise. Does heaven have those annoying heart beat monitor things too?!

Wait a second.....

Hear beat monitor?!

I turn my head to the source of the sound and my heart felt like it stoped. Why is there a heart monitor near where I'm laying?

I try rubbing my eyes but something gently tugs my arm back into a resting position. I glance at my arm and see multiple IV tubes attached my scar covers arm.

I cringe at the sight and let out a puff of breath. Why am I still here?

Who even found me?

Dad couldn't have come back early....

I slowly push myself into a sitting position. Is dad even here.

I look around and take in the scene. I'm sitting in a white hospital bed surrounded by many white furniture. The walls are all white and one side has a painting covering it.

There's no one but me in here.

Do I just sit here and wait until someone comes in?

I sigh and lean my head on the head board.

Where did I go wrong?

My eyes slowly begin to close.

Why am I so tired all of a sudden.

Didn't I just wake up from sleeping?

I'm asking way too many question right now...

Well since no one is here and I have nothing else to do I might as well just sleep again.

My eyes begin to close slowly and everything begin to turn blurry.

Before I could fall asleep I hear a voice from the door way.


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