Chapter 3

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Asano's POV

Where am I?

I was surrounded by a grayish mist and nothing seemed to move or make a sound. I stand up shakily and look around, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Why can't you do anything right!?"

Huh? Isn't that mum's voice. I look to the direction on where the sound was coming from. I can't see her or see where he sound was coming from but I'm absolutely positive that it's mum.

"What do you mean!? I look after him more than you do!"

Dad? I squint my eyes, trying to figure out where dad was. I try to move my legs but it feels like I'm trying to move sand bags. I kept struggling trying to get closer to the source of the sound.

"I've done a better job of raising him than you have!"


I froze and peer into the mist that was blocking my vision.

"Fuck you! All you do is steal the money I make, get drunk and sleep with other men!"

Did dad just slap mum? Maybe I should try saying something...

"..." I open my mouth but no words come out. It's as if I lost my voice. I could feel the tension rising in...whatever place I'm in.

"Excuse me!? I do NOT do anything like that!"

"Then explain the empty bottles of alcohol and the disgusting smell of sex in your room!"

"Why would you think it's me!?"

"You know I don't drink and I don't have sex with you so much! Who else do you think in this fucking household would drink alcohol?! Our son!?"

I don't even know what's going on but I definitely know this is going to get really ugly in a matter of seconds. Before I could hear anything else, I suddenly felt the ground shake below me.

Mum and dad's voice were getting further and further away from me and the mist around me got thicker.

I spot a ray of light above me getting smaller and smaller. Everything suddenly felt as if it was trying to crush me. I tried shouting out to my parents, but that didn't help at all. My breath was getting slower making it harder to get air into my lungs. My vision was getting blurry and all I could remember was the dark swirls of clouds wrapping around my body.

I jolt up from where I was lying. I was breathing heavily and I felt beads of sweat roll down my face. I look around to see if I was still in the misty place.

After a few seconds of trying to comprehend where I was, I realize I was in one of the toilet stalls that probably hasn't been cleaned yet. I stand up as quickly as possible, and cringe from the amount of germs that is probably lingering on my back and my butt.

How did I even end up here again? I shrug and unlock the toilet stall door, making my way to the sink. I peer into the stain filled mirror and examine my pale, sick looking face. Jeez I look ugly.

I check the time in my expensive gold coloured watch that father bought me when I won a spelling bee in Australia.


3:30? Wait a second...SCHOOL HAS ENDED! does that mean I was passed out for the entire day? Dad's going to definitely kill me! Not only did I fail getting top marks in the school but I skipped all my lessons today! And English doesn't count since I had to leave half way.

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