Chapter 22

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Hi guys!!! Welcome back to another chapter!!
Go check out my brother's story, "An Escape Route"! Just type in Sethagam and you'll find it there!
It's a thriller, mystery, technology based story and I'm pretty intrigued so far! Check it out!!

Anyways here's another chapter for you lovely children! Enjoy!!

Asano's POV

"Well there is one thing..."

I listen closely. It might be illegal since its Akabane we're talking about.

"From today onwards, you will be coming to my house every weekend to hang out." I stare at him, waiting for him to laugh and tell me it was a joke, but he didn't.

"Excuse me?" He grins a mischievous grin.

"I highly doubt you do anything fun since you're always got your nose in a book or something. So from today onwards you will be hanging out with me." He explains matter-of-factly.

I stare at him in disbelief. There is hardly anything I do that is considered fun, how the hell is he expecting me to be fun?!

"Gaku-chaaan, you're spacing out again."

"What would we even be doing?" I was genuinely curious about Akabane's plan to have fun with me.

"I don't know." I watch as his face contorts in various facial expressions, almost making me laugh, as he thought hard. "Play video games, eat lots of food, go out and stuff? Y'know, all that good stuff."

I cringe at the mention of eating a lot of food, and playing games. If dad knew he would be so disappointed. I need time to study and stay on track with school.

"But I need to study or I'll fall behind." He raises an eyebrow and snorts.

"Nah, you'll be fine. You know most of the stuff anyways. Bitch sensei prints like a thousand worksheets, all harder than the one before and you finish all of them in less than an hour. I'm sure you'll be fine having a little fun." He explains, waving his hands all over the place. "Plus, I'm pretty sure you study all the time at home on the weekdays."

"I don't know Akabane..." he pouts.

"You said you'll do anything I want..." his mouth stretches into a large grin and he knew he won.

I groan internally and finally agree with him.

"Ah ah," he waves a finger in my face,"you need to write it down so you can't back out." I roll my eyes. He takes out a small note pad from his pocket and passes it to me.

I huff and begin writing:

  I, Asano Gakushuu, promise to spend time with Karma Akabane every weekend starting this week on the 29th of February 2020.
Asano Gakushuu

I hand Akabane his notebook back and he reads over it. His mouth growing wider and wider into a smile.

"Alright! You are now officially coming over to my house every weekend and if you ever try getting out-" he flaps the notebook in my face "-I'll show you this and you'll have no choice but to come hang out with me." I roll my eyes at his childishness.

He pulls out his phone from his pocket and takes a photo and saves it some file before handing me his phone.

"Put in your number."

"Don't you already have my number though?" Referring back the behind my back texting they did a two or three months ago.

"I do?" He checks his contact list before turning back to me with an awkward chuckle. "Yeah, my bad. I do have your number." I nod.

I check my watch and stand up, brushing the dirt and grass off my butt. Akabane follows after me, shoving his hands and phone into his pockets.

We walk together in silence together, a cold breeze sweeps through the air blocking leaves off trees. I turn my head towards the quiet laughters and chitters of my classmates, who were walking back to the classroom in the distance.

I don't think I've ever walked so carefree back to my classroom when I was back in class-a. Even if I did talk to anyone walking back to class, all it was ever about was work and more work. It was nothing else. I would spend all my time studying or helping people study.

I guess Akabane would see that as boring and consider it 'having no life'. I mean I'm not disagreeing. I would have hobbies if my father did make it a competition every time I try something new.

I walk into the classroom and walk to my desk, pulling out my math notebook. Korosensei swiggles into the classroom with his permanent grin slapped onto his face.

"Alright everyone, I checked over everyone's homework sheet and realized that most of you have the same question wrong. So I'll be doing them on the board." He turns around, grabbing the chalk with one of his tentacles while holding a piece of paper in another.

I hear an almost inaudible clutter of a chair as it was pushed back. I turn my head slightly to see Nakamura pulling out her gun from under her desk.

From the small sound she made with her chair, I'm certain Korosensei knows he's going to be shot at. I mean doing martial arts and all, has kind of made me more aware of the smallest movements which also means that I know how to stealthily get my way around.

I hear a loud gunshot and silence. I glance up to see Korosensei holding the bullet in one of his tentacle but a tissue was blocking the connection between the tentacle and the bullet itself.

"Rio-san, that was very close. But avoid trying to kill me during class." I watch her apologies, scratching the back of her head.

I peer down to see my own hun next to the leg of my table. I could try while he's distracted with Nakamura but I don't have much practice with aiming and shooting a gun. Then again, I have done archery when I was younger before I had too much work and quit but that's still different from shooting a gun.

I reach for the gun as Korosensei turns around. I place it on my lap and listen for any noise or movement from the rest of the class.

My eyes gaze around the classroom before spotting Hisoko-san's lilac pencil case on the edge of her desk. All I need her to do is knock it off her table.

I take the gun in my hand and ready it in position. Just as I got into position, to my convenience, Hisoko-san's elbow hit the pencil case. I watch it fall to the ground. I guess I was looking at it so intensely, it almost looked like it were moving in slow motion.

Just as it hit the ground,

I fire the bullet.


Yee yee broskeees.

That was cringe.

I hope you enjoyed that chapter, tell me what you think in the comments.

See you in the next chapter!!

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