Chapter 32

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Warning: violence, unsafe actions
I fell asleep with the memory of a figure peering into my room...

Karma's POV

He was always pretty hard to read.

His emotions where always as clear as day, etched into his face like a statue carving but figuring out what he's thinking is near to impossible.

The large door of Gaku-chan's home stared me down as I stood in front of it. Just a minute ago he was joking around, threatening to kill me and the next he looks as if he were to break down any second.

I always knew his relationship with his father was pretty strained, glossing over each other as if interacting was a chore. I mean, considering the past events, I'm assuming it is. At least for Principal Asano.

I sigh a walk down the path and out the gate. Roughly pushing it shut as I enter the empty road. I clench my teeth, a shiver running from my head to my feet. The leaves littering the ground violently swirl into the air, launching into people's front yards never to be seen again.

It was...too empty. The clouds blanketed the sky in thick waves, almost making it seem as if it was already evening.

I continue walking down the road, glancing at every dark corner and listening for any movement. There was something about the air that made my hairs stand up on my arms. Not in fear, no, never. Karma Akabane is never afraid. It was something like anticipation, excitement at a possible ambush.

Being distracted by Gaku-chan these past weeks, really let my bloodlust build up, threatening to spill out at any given moment. I feel bad for whoever comes across me.

I hold my breath, standing still.

I can feel their eyes on me. I can't hear them at all, definitely another assassin hired to kill Korosensei but why are they here?

I continue walking, of course at a normal pace. I can't let them know that I know that they're there, though I'm sure they know that I know. If they don't, then they're probably a shit assassin and have no chance in killing Korosensei.

I turn the corner, grabbing the top of the fence and pushing myself on top of it. I land inside the front yard and I stay silent, peeking through the cracks in the fence.

As expected, they didn't show up. As soon as they stopped hearing my footsteps, they stopped their movement as well. I sneak across the yard, hoping that whoever's home stays inside.

I pull myself onto the fence once more, hopping into the next yard finding my way to my house. By now, I could feel their eyes off me and their presence was gone.

I shake my head, wiping the dirt on my hands on my pants. Honestly, assassins who try to use students as a means to kill Korosensei are the ones that fail the hardest and suffer the most at the end.

I glance around once more, scanning the trees and straining my ears for any fast noises but nothing arises. Sighing I pull out my house keys and swiftly open my door, locking it immediately after entering. I keep my lights off, letting the small beams of light that manage to peek through my curtains, light up my hallway.

If whoever is still out there, watching me, they wouldn't be able to pin point my location without the lights. I'll just keep the lights out for the rest of the day. Considering I live alone and no one checks on me often, if something were to happen, it would be a few days before someone notices.

For the sake of my safety and theirs, I'll just stay hidden. If I end up killing another assassin meant for Korosensei, who knows how long I'll be suffering my punishment and lectured for this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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