Chapter 24

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Karma's POV

I watch Gakushuu leave my sight and sigh deeply. This child is so closed off, how the fuck do I get him to open up to me. And he still calls me 'Akabane'.

I gotta work slowly. Obviously he wouldn't trust me so quickly. I mean I was a complete ass to him and he didn't even have any trust in the closest person to him. I need to get him to call me Karma, that way we are a little closer since we'll be using our first names. Now the next problem is, how to get him to call me Karma.

I continue walking home, almost walking into a couple of people since I wasn't really paying attention. I get a few dirty looks thrown towards my direction when I brush past them.

Gaku-chan will be hanging out with me every weekend which is a huge advantage for me. I have two entire days with him to get home to open up to me for the rest of his life. Well maybe not the rest of his life but like for a good while, enough time for me to make him trust me...hopefully.

I arrive at my house and I pull out my keys. I have Gaku-chan's number which means that I can text him as well. If I continue to talk to him, he'll probably open up to me and we could become friends faster.

I grin from ear to ear. I wonder what being friends with Gaku-chan is like. He is really different from almost all the kids in e-class, he's most likely closer to Isogai's personality except that Gaku-chan is colder and more closed off.

I walk up to my room and throw my towel over my shoulder. I step into the shower and wash myself down.

Gaku-chan went to hospital after attempted suicide and his dad seems to be the reason mostly. He also mentions that he doesn't have many friends or something like that. I need to become friends with him, that way he at least has one then gradually he might get more friends.

I don't want to annoy him by continuously pestering him about his health so I'll have to be discreet. He'll close up even more if I try to pry and make him uncomfortable.

I turn off the tap and wrap my towel around my waist. Wow I'm so smart. I'm actually thinking about something other than torturing someone and it's about helping someone.

I feel a little giddy inside as I think of my plans and I throw on some pajamas. I should probably ask Gaku-chan to bring over his clothes since I'll most likely make him stay the night.

I have tomorrow to prepare all the stuff we'll be doing on the weekend.

I sit down at my desk and complete my homework quickly. I never really had trouble when it came to my education, I was just a little too dangerous but I'm not complaining. E-class is so much more fun, why does Gaku-chan ever like staying in a-class?

I fish out my phone from my bag and tap onto my messages.

Ryoma Terasaka: Does anyone know what we're doing for English? Bitch-sensei didn't even explain properly what we're gonna be doing.
Sent 7:04

Nagisa Shiota: I'm not exactly sure but I'm pretty sure it's something about talking about out future?
Sent 7:04

Karma Akabane: My dick is longer than ur future
Sent 7:05

Nagisa Shiota: Karma stop with the dirty jokes
Sent 7:06

Karma Akabane: it's not a joke if it's a fact you know
Sent 7:08

Rio Nakamura: Lmao
Sent 7:08

Yuma Isogai: 🤦‍♂️
Sent 7:08

Nagisa Shiota: You made around a hundred dirty jokes in one sitting yesterday. I really don't want to sit through another one.
Sent 7:08

I snicker as the memory of staying up sending dirty jokes and memes went through my brain. I tap out of the chat and into my contacts. I find Gaku-chan's contact and rename it.

Gaku-chan 🥈

I save the name and place my phone down. I walk around my room for anything fun to do on the weekend. I only found one board game since I don't usually invite people to my house. I do have a PlayStation since Nagisa likes to play with it and his mum doesn't like it. Says that girls don't play those or some bullshit like that.

I mean I can name like 50 girls who does play. Like bruh, what level of dumb doesn't Nagisa's mum live on? Plus Nagisa doesn't identify as a girl and she has no right to tell him what to do.

Speaking of mums, Gakushuu mentioned in his suicide note that his mum left. I'm assuming she was worse than his dad since she slapped him. I'm assuming she was probably abusive or something. Honestly, what a bitch. I feel kinda bad for Gaku-chan.

I stand up and stretch. I should eat dinner...and I'm like 60% sure that Gakushuu hasn't eaten yet. I pull out my phone and text him.

Karma Akabane: Gaku-chan have you eaten dinner yet?
Sent 8:30

I wait a bit to see if he responds but after 10 minutes, he still hasn't responded. I sigh and put down my phone. What should I eat anyways, I could make myself s sandwich..but the thought of pizza seems way more appealing to me.

I feel my stomach growl from the thought of a warm, cheesy, delicious pizza entering my mouth. I feel drool form inside my mouth and I swallow hard.

It wouldn't hurt to order one, just for tonight. I take out my phone and click onto the pizza delivery app. I should just order one pizza, don't wanna waste money.

I call the pizza place and sit on the couch in the living room. I should order pizza on the weekend, does Gaku-chan even like pizza? If he doesn't I'll just get something else.

What does he even like to eat? Wait...what does he even like to do?

I groan and flop dramatically onto the couch. I don't know shit about him and that's pissing me off so much. Does he have any allergies?! What if he has some kind of medical condition he needs meds for?! What if he has like therapy sessions on the weekends? Does he even go to therapy?! What if-

Ding dong

I stand hastily and snatch my wallet from the dining table. I open the door and the pizza man holds up the box. I take it from him and pay him. He didn't say anything like, "enjoy your pizza," or "have a good night." I'll be honest, if I were working late, I would be pretty grumpy too.

I shut the door and sit down at the dining table. I unlock my phone, scrolling through my social media and flipping through videos. I still have no text from Gaku-chan. Maybe he's asleep? He seems like the type to sleep pretty early, then again it's like 10 so I guess most people would be asleep.

I put down my phone and eat my slightly cold pizza. Maybe I should take him out on the weekend instead of staying home. Like eating at every restaurant we pass or just buying anything on sale. Does he have the money though? Doesn't matter, I'll just pay.

Welp, I feel like a sugar daddy lol.

Well first step to befriending him, complete...I think.


Hi guys, I felt inspired to write.

Pretty rare so yeet.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and please don't kill me for not telling you guys what happened to gaku-bitch. (Jk, he ain't a bitch 😀)

Anyways, tell me what u guys think gaku-bro got. I think it's a dildo 😩🤙

Aha lol k bai

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