Chapter 28

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Gakushuu's POV

I scoff and snatch my hand away from his.

Not leaving me alone? What's gotten into him?

I turn my back to him and walk to the tree we sat for lunch. I hear the soft thump of Akabane's footsteps behind me and I roll my eyes. Why can't he just leave me alone?

I sit down and lean against the tree, keeping my eyes trained on anything but his. A silence followed, the only thing I can hear being the gentle breeze and the rustle of the leaves. Just like when we left to go inside but this was different, it was more tense, as if one of us want to say something.

He sits next to me, still keeping a distance but still close to me. I shift slightly away from him, feeling uncomfortable. He's treating me as if I was a kid who couldn't look after themself. I frown and being my knees to my chest and rest my chin on my knees.

A sad smile forms on my face. If father knew what I was doing right now, he would be so disappointed. All I've been doing these days is slacking off and failing everything I do. Is there something I can do right?

If I walked out if A-class like that, I would surly get a detention from the teacher, get a complaint to my dad and then another detention.

We didn't say anything  as we sat here. No one came to check where we were, not even the teachers. They'll probably report this to my father and then get me in trouble. I mean it isn't their fault, they're just doing their job.

"Gaku-chan, I know you got upset and I understand that you have every right to be upset but when things like that happens, try to ignore it. It's hard to understand but when things like that happened to me, I just ignore them and continue to be unaffected. It makes them look stupid." I scoff and a pain grows in my chest. He doesn't understand the pressure I go through.

"That's easy for you to say, I bet the meanest thing you were called was a sadist." I spit and my eyebrows furrow further. He sighs and tugs at he grass near his feet.

"I've been called things worse than that before Gaku-chan. It just toned down because I paid no mind to them. The less you react, the less they'll want to tease you."

"No they don't stop. They just try more things to rile you up! Maybe they don't do that to you because you're a fucking psychopath!" I was huffing and I could feel my stomach do a flip.

I don't look at him once. A silence blanketed over us and I feel the air around us thicken.I feel him shuffle and I unintentionally flinch from his slight movement. There was this dread that built in my stomach and it dawns on me that I called a psychopath a psychopath and he might just kill me right here.

I wasn't sure if it was the uncomfortable silence and tension that surrounded that made my ears begin to ring. Small, uncomfortable tingles erupts in my fingertips and my face grows warm. I attempt to breathe in deeply to calm my nerves but it seems to hurt to breathe at this point. I was panicking and I don't know why.

My vision blurs and the ground tilts under me. I burry my face into my hands and press myself into my knees. I bite my lips and force air to enter my lungs but my throat feels as if it were closing.

I jump at the sudden contact of his hand caressing my back.

Oh god is he finding the perfect spot on my back to stab? Perhaps this is the best way to die.

"Deep breaths Gakushuu. Follow my breath." He cuts into my thoughts that were beginning to make no sense. He breaths in loudly but softly and I bring my attention to it, trying to follow his pattern. Soon the hammering in my chest slowed and I didn't have the urge to throw up.

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