Chapter 10

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Asano's POV

I hear the clock rick away as blonde-y teaches the class the correct English sentences that they all stuffed up in their homework. Why I was I put in this class again? This is too easy!

For fucks sake, I'm the best in the school. I just didn't get to finish the test, otherwise I would've came first. I accidentally groan out loud causing the teacher to stop talking and the heads of the other students to turn.

"Is there something wrong Gakushuu?" She asks through a forced smile. I shake my head and continue staring at her. She sighs and continues pronouncing the words wrong.

It's nearly the end of school and I can't wait until I go home. Why? So I can set up my plan so it goes exactly how I want it to. I smile at my thought, probably looking really suspicious.

Mrs blonde-y's pronunciation was really getting on my nerves. How does one make this many errors!? I put my hand up trying to gain the teacher's attention. She looks at me and points at me.

"Mrs, you're pronouncing the words wrong." I say boredom laced in my tone.

"E-excuse me?!" She says slamming her chalk and books on her desk.

"I'm sorry to say but your pronunciation of the words are not correct." I say again explaining it in more detail.

I can hear snickers coming from the rest of the students.

"Yooo! Asano! She's been to many foreign countries and one of them was England. Of course she knows how to pronounce the words." I hear Akabane's annoying voice say from the back of the classroom.

"Well Akabane, I had an English tutor who lived and was raised in England. She taught me the words and pronunciation of them. So I know for a fact that mrs.....Umm...blonde-y here is pronouncing the words wrong." I answer Akabane back with a matter-oh-factly voice.

I don't even know what I'm doing. I should just shut up and listen to the teacher's lesson. I mentally slap myself in the face for not thinking before I spoke.

"Then Gakushuu, tell me how to pronounce this word." Mrs blonde-y says pointing at the word 'handsome'.

Mrs blonde-y pronounced it as hand-some-eh. It's was quite funny to be honest. I smile softly and say the word properly. How the hell did she manage to get those poor people from England to understand her?

I see mrs thinking for a bit before nodding her head slightly. One thing I've learnt from the past few days of being here is that mrs blonde-y is very arrogant so she doesn't like to admit when she is wrong.

I smirk and continue writing notes into my book. Mrs blonde-y turns back to the black board with a huff and continues teaching. I can tell most of the students are either glaring at me or ignoring me. Well, why wouldn't they be? No one likes a know-it-all.

After what felt like an eternity mrs tells us that class was ending in three minutes. She picks up her books and struts out of the classroom. I put away my English book and take out my maths. Probably the last time I'll be seeing these books.

I rest my head in my hand and stare out the window. Kayano looks at me weirdly before standing up and walking somewhere behind me.

I look down at my book and draw small doodles of all my a-class classmates and e-class classmates. They aren't that well drawn but they're better than nothing. As I was drawing in Ren's eyes I suddenly got an idea.

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