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Class finally ended and it was lunch time. I walked to the cafe and ordered some rice and the side dishes: kimchi japache bulgogi bibimbap and some kimbap. I payed and went to sit waiting for the waiter to bring my food.

Note (they go to a rich school, so you don't have to wait on line if you don't want to.)

I heard the cafe go silent and I knew who it was. Of course, the seven boys came to my table with Jimin and taehyung looking pissed.

"Look at what you did you made all of the girls afraid to yell. How am I supposed to get laid tonight?"taehyung whispered yelled.
"Look taehyung as bad I don't want to admit I want to thank y/n."  Yoongi said closing his eyes in frustration.
"WHAT?" I yelled as the others were also shocked.
"Hyung, have you gone mad?" Jimin yelled after me waving his hands around almost hitting me.
"Jimin watch where you're putting your hands. You're going to hit y/n." Namjoon said standing up.
"I don't care. I can slap her in the face right now and she wouldn't do anything." He yelled coming closer.
"Oh really? Slap me then let's see if I don't do anything." I said pushing him on the table.
"Jimin and y/n stop this instant." Jin said grabbing me and signaled namjoon to grab Jimin.
"Jimin go to the break room I'm coming. Namjoon follow him. Y/n sit here and don't do anything. I'm coming." He said as he followed Namjoon and Jimin into their break room.
I sat down and put my head on the table. My stomach started growling because I was hungry.
After 10 minutes
Seokjin finally came back without jimin and Namjoon. He came up to me and grabbed my arm and dragged me outside the lunchroom.
"What did I tell you earlier?" Jin whispered shaking me.
"Look I know what you said. Don't shake me ever again. I just wanted to defend myself." I said removing his hands of my shoulders.
" Be careful y/n you're playing a dangerous game." He said warning me as he walked back to our table. I sighed and followed behind him.
5 minutes later
Jimin came back and couldn't stop glaring at me along with taehyung. Jin glared back at them which made them stop for a few minutes but when he looked away, but they continued again. The waiter came with my food. I just didn't order food for myself but for the whole table.
I sat down awkwardly and spoke
"I ordered this for all of us. If you want to eat, I won't stop you." I got up and walked to the bathroom.
Walking into the bathroom I untie my ponytail and let my hair out. I sighed and thought about what just happened.
Jin was right but why couldn't he tell me in a proper way? He didn't have to shake me.
I just took my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I washed my face and and dried it with tissue. I walked out of the bathroom and back into the cafeteria. The boys didn't start to eat so I just went and sat down.
"Aren't you going to eat?" Namjoon said.
"No thank you I'm not hungry." I said as my stomach growled. They all tried to hold in there laugh
" I thought you weren't hungry." Yoongi said coldly but he was trying not to laugh.
"Whatever." Rolling my eyes and feeling embarrassed.
"Here let me feed you." Jin said picking up the chopsticks and grabbing some ramen and putting it near my mouth.
"Here eat." He said pls I get the food in my mouth.
"No fair I want to feed you too." Jungkook stomped his foot whining like a baby. The entire cafe was looking at him with shocked eyes. This man that they thought was scary was whining over feeding me. Somewhere jelly over us.

Jungkook grabbed a spoon and pick up some rice.

"Say ahhhhh" he said putting the spoon to my mouth.

I opened my mouth and ate the rice. Next thing you know 4 hands were feeding me. It was jungkook, jin, hoseok, and namjoon feeding me. As usual the whole cafe was looking.

" What are you looking at? Have you never seen a girl eat?" Yoongi said coldly forcing everyone to turn away immediately.

" Move I want to feed her." yoongi said pointing at jungkook.

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